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El got back to her dorm, and Lily told her that Ruby won't be in the dorm tonight. This was suspicious to El, and she started wondering why Ruby would not be in the dorm tonight.

That was until she read her lunar calendar. It was the full moon, now she was too worried about her friend at ilvermory.

She knew she saw Ruby somewhere, though she just couldn't pinpoint it. Then she remembered her 2nd year, and she smiled at the memory. A short brunette running around pranking everyone, how could she forget about that.

She wondered if Ruby was still causing mischief or if she grew out of that.


It was morning, and El had just gotten her timeable for the year. Her first class today was transfiguration, and then she had herbology. After that, she was lunch, and then the rest of the day, she was free to do whatever she wanted.

She walked past the hospital wing and heard someone yelling.

"Poppy, they're our friends. Let us see them." Someone yelled

"No, you're not injured, and they need rest," another voice exclaimed.

El was getting enthralled in this conversation, so much was going on. Someone was in the hospital wing, and someone was mad cause they couldn't see whoever was injured.

El moved closer stealthily and saw three griffindor boys and the school healer. She needed to send a letter to her friend, but this was way too interesting to walk away.

A few seconds later, the three boys started beating each other up until they had bruises all over their faces, and the healer had to bring the three boys in to be healed.

"Poppy, you would think you would learn this would happen every time." The boy with glasses said, and the healer laughs silently at his comment before healing him and the other boys.

El had moved to be able to see the room without being seen herself. That's when she saw two beds being occupied. Two extremely beaten up kids asleep on the hospital beds.

She couldn't recognize the boy, he had light brown hair but when she saw the girl she immediately recognized who it was.

Hello my loves, how are you all doing?

Hope you had an amazing day or night and enjoyed the story.

I have no idea what to write before my beautiful idea that will happen later but for now you get randomness. Yay.

lily?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz