32 | "Bon tardi, amor."

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When I woke up, Pablo was gone. Aurora was sitting on the edge of the bed, caressing my hair. She felt like an older sister to me. Not like a replacement for Carmen, but as a combination of a friend and a sister. I felt comfortable around Pablo's family, especially Aurora.

"Where is Pabs?" I asked quietly

"He's out for a run. I think he will be back anytime soon." She answered me, giving me a comfortable look

Aurora handed me a glass of water and some melatonin, so I could sleep through the night. It was only 22:00, but I felt pretty tired. I apologized to Aurora for leaving the dinner, and fell asleep shortly after.


When I got back from my run, around 22:30, Y/n was fast asleep on our bed. She looked peaceful, not having any worries. Sadly, that wasn't the reality. I knew she was struggling, really really badly. I tried to help her as much as possible, but she wouldn't let me in. I get that she needs time, but it's hard to have lots of trust if she doesn't trust you 100%. I trust her with my life, but for some reason, I feel like that isn't mutual.

I took a quick shower, changed into my pyjamas, and laid next to my beautiful girlfriend. I placed my hand on a bit of Y/n's exposed skin and started drawing little figures. I couldn't fall asleep, there were too many thoughts roaming around in my head.

Am I a bad boyfriend?

Does Y/n deserve better?

I've been struggling with negative thoughts as well. Usually, I can hide it pretty well, but when I see someone else struggling, it gets a lot harder for me to hide. Maybe because it tells me that being vulnerable is okay, maybe because it has an impact on me, I don't know. I wish there was a cure for mental health, that would make life so much easier.


When I woke up, Y/n was gone. My alarm clock displayed that it was 14:00, I had slept in. I heard some laughter from downstairs, so she was probably there with my family. I got up, changed into some comfortable clothes and walked downstairs. The minute Y/n saw me, her eyes lit up. I gave her a hug from behind, snuggling my head in the crook of her neck whilst giving her some kisses there.

"Bon tardi, amor." She chuckled.

My parents were watching us, but I didn't care. I only had eyes for Y/n. Whilst I was still snuggled up in the crook of her neck, she continued her conversation with my mom and Rora about the wedding. I could feel she was exited for it, just like I was. She told us earlier that my mom felt more like a mom to her than her own did, that really touched my mother. I could see that her relationship with her mom wasn't the best, but that she really felt like this actually shocked us.

The thought of not having enough trust came up again, a thought that I didn't want in my head. I hated the fact that it was there, because I loved Y/n with all my heart, but it was. I excused myself from my family and asked Y/n to come with me. It was time for some deep talk.

We walked up to my comfort spot, a hill overlooking the city. The walk there took us ten minutes, the minutes filled with a comfortable silence. I sat down and Y/n sat down in front of me, between my legs and leaning on my chest. This was our usual, comfortable position.

"Y/n" I started, letting out a big sigh

"What's wrong?" She asked, genuinely confused

"I want to talk about something." I said while resting my head on top of hers

"Go on."

"I feel like we don't trust each other enough in our relationship. I mean, I get it, but loving each other so much but not letting the other in is hard for me. I want to know what goes on in your mind, I want to hear about your dreams, your struggles and your thoughts." I said, getting straight to the point.

"I don't get it..." She told me

"We need to be like an open book, telling each other everything, otherwise this relationship might fall apart and I don't want that." I tried to tell her with a calm voice

I could feel her sobbing in my chest, something she didn't do quite often.

"Amor, I love you so much, but I don't want to bother you with my struggles." She replied, speaking between the sobs

"I do have something for you that gives you an insight on my thoughts. It's my journal. It's very dear to me, but so are you." She continued


Hey guys! Im so so so sorry for my break again, but I'm in my finals year and theres a lot of pressure on me right now. I typed this rq, but don't expect too much the coming weeks. This story is also slowly coming to an end... The next few chapter will contain journal entries btw :)

Since this story is coming to an end, I'm starting to brainstorm for a few books. One of these will be my next one, so please comment at the book you'd like to read next!


Isabella Sofía Busquets, aka Isa, is the daughter of Sergio Busquets. She was the product of a teen pregnancy, something Sergio hid pretty well in the past. Her mom, Carmen, suddenly passed away in a car accident, so she had to live with her dad. Sergio was still playing at inter miami, but was transferring back to Barca. One rule, she couldn't fall for his teammates, a rule she instantly broke when she saw him.


Valerie Allison Brown, aka Val, was in a long-term relationship with Real Madrid star Jude Bellingham. The relationship was toxic, constantly filled with jealousy. At one of the El Clasicos, a certain barca player caught her eye. After Jude and Val broke up, she moved to Barcelona for her new job. She visited a Barca match with her friends, where one of the players couldn't stop looking at her. Was this the start of something new?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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