chapter two

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That unknown person was stalking verlaine without his knowledge of that .

that mystery person smiles at they saw verlaine walking to his apartment they finally know where he lives oh how their little brother lives alone they frown as they watch verlaine it didn't look like he's been taking care of himself no worries they take care of him even if he didn't know that....

* verlaine POV *

( Ugh that day I have was the worst first I needed to write the reports the boss told
me and then having to deal with dazai and then the mission reports because I know dam well that dazai won't do anything so it I needed to write them and then I lose one of my favorite wines I won't say that I have a wonderful day

Especially since the reports were a lot then I thought anyway I finally went home where I can rest and relax by myself without having to deal with dazai or any reports for today..°

Verlaine walks to his kitchen and grabs a cup from the sink he washed the cup and put some ices in that and puts orange juice he wasn't in the mood to drink wine especially since some of his favorite wines went missing

He took a seat near the window and sit down and drinks the orange juice °

". I need a break"the boy said as he looks thought the window with a frown *

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