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The sound of birds chirping outside her window roused Maya from her slumber. She slowly opened her eyes, blinking against the morning light filtering through the curtains. As she lay in bed, the events of the previous night came rushing back to her in a jumble of memories and emotions.
She had dreamt of a mysterious figure beckoning to her from the shadow, whispering words of prophecy that sent shivers down her spine. And then, in a flash of light, she had awoken in a cold sweat, the sense of unease lingering in the air.
Maya set up, running a hand through her tangled hair. She glanced at the clock on her bedside table and realized she was already running late for her shift at the antiquities museum.
Hastily getting up, she dressed in a hurry, grabbing a piece of toast and her keys before rushing out the door.
The morning air was crisp as she walked the familiar path to the museum the quiet streets of the city slowly coming to life around her.
As she approached the grand marble building. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, the ancient artifacts within it's walls always grounding her in a way nothing else could.
Entering the museum, Maya was greeted by the familiar sight of artifacts gleaming under the soft glow of the lights. She made her way to her work station, where a new exhibit was being setup, dedicated to the lost city of Atlantis. Maya had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the past, and the story of Atlantis held a special place in her heart.
As she began her work, carefully cataloging and arranging the ancient artifacts, a sense of dejavu washed over her. It was as if she had done this all before, in another time, in another life. Shaking off the strange feeling, Maya focused on her task, unaware of the destiny that awaited her as she delved deeper into the secrets of Atlantis.
And so, the wheels of fate began to turn, setting in motion a chain of events that would lead Maya on a journey beyond times and space, where echoes of eternity whispered of ancient powers long forgotten.

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