Leave me alone!

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Emily and Katie return home from Emily's first training session, their footsteps echoing in the hallway as they enter the house. Katie turns to Emily, a bright smile on her face, eager to hear about the training.

Katie: So, Em, how was your first training session with the team? Did you enjoy it?

Emily's expression darkens, her mood suddenly shifting. She shrugs off Katie's enthusiasm, her tone curt and dismissive.

Emily: It was fine, Katie. Nothing special.

Katie frowns, taken aback by Emily's response. She tries to hide her disappointment, but her concern is evident in her voice.

Katie: Is everything okay, Em? You seem... off.

Emily avoids Katie's gaze, her jaw clenched as she fights to keep her emotions in check.

Emily: I said I'm fine, Katie. Just leave me alone, okay?

Without waiting for a response, Emily storms off to her room, slamming the door behind her. Katie stands in the hallway, bewildered by Emily's sudden change in behavior.

Katie: (to herself) What's gotten into her?

Alone in her room, Emily sinks onto her bed, the weight of her emotions bearing down on her. Tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she struggles to contain her anger and frustration.

Emily: (whispering) Why can't she just leave me alone?

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Katie stands outside Emily's closed door, her heart heavy with worry. She knows something is wrong, but she can't shake the feeling of helplessness that washes over her.

Katie: (to herself) I just want to help her. Why won't she let me in?

With a heavy sigh, Katie retreats to her own room, leaving Emily alone with her thoughts. In the silence of her room, Emily's facade crumbles, her shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs as she grapples with the weight of her

The next morning, Emily gets up as normal and makes her way to training with Katie, for her second day. The air is filled with the sound of cleats hitting the ground and the Jonas's instructions. But Emily was not prepared for what was going to happen today.

As Emily dribbles the ball down the field, she suddenly loses her footing and tumbles to the ground, her shirt lifting up slightly upon impact, revealing a glimpse of the bruises hidden beneath.

Emily: (gasping) Ow!

The other players pause mid-drill, their attention drawn to Emily's fall. Concerned murmurs ripple through the group as they rush to Emily's side. Katie, who is nearby, reaches out instinctively to help Emily up, her eyes widening in alarm as she catches sight of the bruises.

Katie: Em, are you okay? Let me see—

Before Katie can finish her sentence, Emily jerks away from her, panic flashing in her eyes.

Emily: No! Don't touch me!

Katie freezes, hurt and confused by Emily's reaction. She tries to reach out to Emily again, but Emily shrinks away, her voice trembling with fear.

Emily: Leave me alone, Katie! Just leave me alone!

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Emily turns and bolts from the field, leaving Katie and the rest of the team in stunned silence. Katie stands rooted to the spot, her heart breaking at the sight of her sister in such distress.

Katie: Emily, wait!

Ignoring the curious stares of the other players, Katie takes off after Emily, determined to find out what has upset her sister so deeply. As she disappears from view, the rest of the team exchanges worried glances, uncertain of what just transpired.

Leah Williamson: What do you think that was all about?

Beth Mead: I have no idea, but it didn't look good.

As the whispers of speculation grow louder, Jonas steps forward, her expression grave.

Jonas: Alright, everyone, let's get back to training. We'll sort this out later. For now, let's focus on the game.

With a heavy sigh, the team reluctantly returns to their drills, their thoughts lingering on the unsettling scene that just unfolded before them.

Katie: Emily, why did you run off, talk to me!

Emily flinches at Katie's tone, her own anger simmering beneath the surface.

Emily: I needed some space, Katie. Can't you understand that?

Katie's frustration boils over, her voice rising with emotion.

Katie: Space? You ran off in the middle of training without a word! You scared me, Emily!

Emily meets Katie's gaze with defiance, her hands trembling with pent-up rage.

Emily: You wouldn't understand, Katie. You never do!

Katie's eyes widen in hurt and confusion, her patience wearing thin.

Katie: Try me, Emily. Whatever it is, we can figure it out together. Just talk to me.

Emily's resolve crumbles at Katie's pleading tone, tears welling up in her eyes as she finally relents. With a heavy sigh, she lifts her shirt, revealing the bruises that mar her skin. Katie's breath catches in her throat, her hands shaking as she reaches out to touch them.

Katie: Oh my god, Emily... What happened to you? Who did this?

Emily pulls away from Katie's touch, her expression shuttered as she retreats into herself.

Emily: It doesn't matter, Katie. Just forget about it.

Katie's eyes fill with tears as she struggles to comprehend the extent of Emily's suffering.

Katie: How can you say that, Emily? You're my sister. I can't just forget about this. I need to know who did this to you.

Emily's silence is deafening, her walls closing in around her as she shuts Katie out once again. With a heavy heart, Katie realises that some wounds run too deep for words to heal and Emily walks off.

Emily stands outside the football pitch, her gaze fixed on the ground as she prepares to return to training. The other players approach her cautiously, concern etched on their faces.

Beth Mead: Emily, are you okay?

Emily stiffens at the question, her walls going up once again as she shrugs off their attempts at comfort.

Emily: I'm fine. Just leave me alone.

Viv reaches out to touch Emily's arm, but she recoils at the contact, her expression closed off and distant.

Viv: Are you sure, Emily? You seemed really upset earlier.

Emily's jaw clenches as she fights to keep her emotions in check, her tone terse as she brushes off their concern.

Emily: I said I'm fine. Now back off and let me train.

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Emily turns away from her teammates, her steps heavy with the weight of her secrets. As she walks back onto the field, the whispers of speculation follow her, but she pays them no mind, her focus solely on the game ahead.

Meanwhile, Katie watches from the sidelines, her heart heavy with worry for her sister. She longs to reach out to Emily, to offer her comfort and support, but she knows that Emily must face her demons on her own terms. With a silent prayer for Emily's strength and resilience, Katie watches as her sister disappears into the fray, determined to overcome whatever challenges lie ahead.

Bruised but unbrokenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum