12. Beyond Repair.

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"M-imi" Jungkook's voice barely rose above a whisper as he uttered Jimin's name, his heart heavy with helplessness as he watched his brother crumple to the ground. Despite his own precarious situation, he felt a surge of agony at his inability to come to Jimin's aid. Bound by Taehyung's unrelenting grip, Jungkook's muscles tensed with frustration as he realized he couldn't even move his head to check on his fallen brother. A sense of powerlessness washed over him.

Despite the turmoil and fear raging within him, Jungkook's gaze softened as he locked eyes with Taehyung, recognizing the person buried beneath the facade of aggression. A flicker of empathy stirred within him, reminding him that this was not the true Taehyung. With a trembling voice, he reached out, his plea laced with genuine concern. "Let me help you, r-red... I-I can help you. Just give control to Taehyung. Please," he implored, his words echoing with sincerity. His gaze lingered on Taehyung's mismatched eyes, searching for any sign of recognition, any glimmer of the boy he once knew buried beneath the turmoil of their current predicament.

"Help?" Taehyung's response cut through the air with a sharp edge, rejecting Jungkook's offer of help in a succinct yet disdainful manner. The word "help" dripped with sarcasm, a stark reminder of Taehyung's reluctance to accept assistance from anyone, especially in his current state of turmoil.

With a sudden surge of force, Taehyung released his grip on Jungkook's neck, causing the older man to stagger backward, gasping for breath. As Taehyung turned to leave, a fleeting glance passed between them, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Jungkook's tear-filled eyes followed Taehyung's retreating figure, as he rubbed the tender area where Taehyung had held him captive moments before.

"T-Taehyung..." Jungkook's voice faltered, barely above a whisper, as he called out to the retreating figure. With unsteady steps, he followed behind Taehyung, his movements betraying the toll of their confrontation. Despite his weakened state, Jungkook's determination to reach out to Taehyung remained steadfast, a glimmer of hope flickering within him as he sought to bridge the divide that had grown between them.

"Don't!" Taehyung's abrupt shout halted Jungkook in his tracks, causing him to jump slightly. Pointing a finger at Jungkook, Taehyung emphasized his command. "Do not follow!"

Jungkook stopped in his tracks, noting Taehyung's command not to follow. But his eyes remained locked on Taehyung's, silently expressing a multitude of emotions and thoughts, pleading for understanding and reconciliation.

Taehyung nodded in acknowledgment, a hint of satisfaction in his expression as Jungkook complied with his request. With a simple directive to "go home, Rose," Taehyung turned and disappeared into the darkness of the road, leaving Jungkook to ponder the weight of their encounter and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

As Jungkook stood alone in the aftermath of their encounter, a tumult of emotions churned within him, weighing heavily on his heart. His gaze wandered into the darkness, lost in a sea of worries and uncertainties. The burden of the events that had transpired left him feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. For the first time in years, tears welled up in his eyes, silently betraying the depth of his emotions and the pain he carried within him. In the solitude of the night, Jungkook grappled with the rawness of his feelings.


Taehyung, gripping his phone tightly in his ear, strides through the silent and darkened halls of his house like a demon cloaked in darkness, urgently asking, "I need it! Is there anything in the basement?''

"Yes, I have one. Enjoy!" Taehyung's father's voice echoed through the phone, Taehyung, without another word, ended the call abruptly. His steps quickened as he descended the stairs into the basement.

Red Rose ( Taekook FF)✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin