Dangers on the Track /Daniel Riccardo x Reader/

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Summary: All he saw was flames and smoke, he assumed the worst.


Daniel was a naturally happy person.

He was always smiling, laughing and joking around.

But not now, not when he was so powerless and worried.

Not when he had to sit and watch his girlfriend trapped in a burning car.

It was only practice.

Practice on a very slippery and wet track.

It was a simple turn, nothing more. You had done it many many times before. And yet, the next thing everyone knew was the Mercedes in the wall, on fire.

Daniel's leg bounced up and down as he kept getting more and more impatient.

You were still in there.

Everyone else came back to the pits, they were all watching, hoping and praying.

Daniel wanted to yell, scream and yet he couldn't.

All he could do is watch.

Watch as they finally got you out of that damned car.

Unconscious, but you were finally out.

They rushed you to the safety car.

Daniel got up and rushed to the infirmary, where they got you in just as he arrived.

"Mr Ricciardo, please wait here." The doctor said as Daniel nodded.

He knew better than to argue. He knew better than to stand in the way of the professionals.

He watched all this unfold, he can wait for another ten minutes.

"Sir, we had a look at her, she has a minor concussion, thankfully they got her out in time, however, she has small burns on her hands, probably the worst, second degree on her neck. But she will live." Explained the doctor and Daniel nodded, thanking the doctor before he headed into the room.

You were awake, but he could tell you were in a lot of pain.


"Hello Darling. How are you feeling?"

"Like I just walked to hell and back."

"They told you?"

"That I have a mark on my neck from now on? That I got burnt? They kinda didn't have to. It hurts pretty bad." You smiled. "But it probably hurts more seeing you not smile."

Daniel chucked at that.

"It's hard, after just watching you in fire."

"Now you know how I felt when you broke your hand." You said as you let out a long sigh. "Do you think it would be too morbid to get some grilled chicken for dinner?" Now that made Daniel laugh out, even if tears fell from his eyes.

"Chicken will be perfect." He ended up saying. "But I doubt they will let you out just yet."

"Oh, that's fine, you should go back to the others."

"I'm not leaving you." He held your hand in his, his finger running over your ring, a ring matching his.

"Do you think I will look badass with my scar?"

"Oh, for sure! Just don't go full Joker on me." This made you laugh.

"I was thinking getting a coin and becoming Scar-Face."

"Oh, that is also good." he pointed it out. "But I am glad you are alive."

"I told you Danny, I don't want a Mercedes to be my coffin, we will get old together, I promised."

"I know we did. I keep my half, you keep yours."

"Kiss me." You said and he didn't need to be told twice, he leaned closer and put a kiss on your lips.

You definitely plan on keeping your end of the promise. And he will keep his.

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