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A woman with dark emerald green eyes came out of the golden carriage, being accompanied by a knight. Her maid behind her carrying a case where all her expensive jewelries and clothes are.

"Is this where, we would be living now, Young lady?" innocently asked by her maid Lisa. She nods not saying anything but enough for her maid to understand. "Lisa, While we walk inside. I'll be going to the Granduke's study so Alfred will show you the way."

But as she was going, servants and maids came in two lines greeting her. She scoffed, smirking at the maids. "Do they really have to be this extra in welcoming me, Alfred?" she asks Alfred the one who manages the servants and maids on the Granduke's estate.

He nods. "Hm.. I like the idea but, I won't be needing such as this." she pointed.

"I understand, Your Grace" he agrees. "Then, I'll be going then. Show her alright?"

"Understood, Madam." he lowers his head. I nooded, continued on my way to his study. "Wait!" I shouted.

"What is it my lady?" Lisa says. "The papers." strecthing my palms. She opened the bag, giving me the contact papers.


-Granduke's Study-

I knocked twice, then a maid opened the door for me. She had a polite manner. I stared at the man who sat with a serious expression. He somehow still hasn't changed over the past four years.

"Your Grace, I came here to discuss some matter regarding our marriage." I brought out.

"Hilda, you may leave." he dismissed her. I she nods lowering her head she says, "Thank you, Your Grace."

When she left, I came in front of him. I was confused again. He doesn't seem to be in a bad mood, compared to the day our families talked about our marriage, where he was clenching his fists. We know he doesn't want to get married.

But, His Majesty insisted to marry him off, because he was the son of his sibling.

"My decision is done and you will be marrying him, whether you like it or not. Shora." Father says not minding my thoughts about this matter.

I was left there staring at him as he went away. He did the same to my sister. Shana must be suffering to the house of the Ruthless head of the Dukedom of Venevuas.

MY tears ran down my cheeks. He really didn't care...

My thought went to my head again. "Let's be for real, I know this marriage is political, with the ridiculous things and reasons, my father said to His Majesty"

"So what is your point, Lady Vanitas?" he asks. I rolled my eyes. "Let's have a contract." I point out. He smiles in amusement. I smirked. I gave him the papers.

"Lets divorce in 5 years. There are also thing associated in the contract paper." he took a minute to read. "Then, I'll ge going then, Your Grace."

I turned my back, going to the door and stopped, glanced at him.

"If you need anything from me, I'll be on my room" my last sentence as walked out the study.

'I'm sure he get what I mean'

In the room he gave us, Lisa and I we're having tea. She poured me another. I stirr the cup. "The tea you make is really great, I wonder what ingredients you add here."

"Oh, My Lady, I only added honey. To make it sweet." she  says. I smiled,"Then, Lisa why don't you teach me how to make this great tea?" as I put down the tea cup. She was speechless. I guess it's because I never engaged myself to these kinds of works.

Seeing her like that, I know she was thinking about something again, I chuckled. She is cute when she is like that, that's why I love to surprise her sometimes.

"Lisa, you seem to be thinking about something again.." I  said. She snapped out. "Forgive me, I would love to teach you My lady" she bows. I sighed.

"Come to think of it, it has been afternoon already, but we didn't get to explore the Estate. So tomorrow I would like to visit the garden." i sipped the tea. "Would like me to accompany you, My lady?"

"If it's okay for you, if not, I'll just ask for other maids, since you look quite a bit busy." I reasoned.

"No, no, My lady I can come with you. Just don't replace me with other maids!" she sounded begging. I laughed at her reaction. "Of course not, Why would I replace you?"

"Here you go again, My lady you never stop making me worried, surprised and nervous every time you get the chance." she looked at her side.

Put her hands  on her chest. I saw her pout. I chuckles again. Her expression really amuse me.

"Alright, alright, I apologize, it's just your reactions amuse me Lisa," I reasoned. She looked at me back.

"I know, but please don't surprise with, Replacing, and you finding another."

"Alright, so it's a deal then.."

"Oh, by the way did Alfred mention anything to you?" I asked her."He did, it's about the ball His Majesty is throwing in a Month."

"A month before he throws the ball is.. Boring." I gave her no expression. Covering her mouth slightly she laughs. "I know but, he said His Majesty has a deep reason."

"I guess so..."


I was invited by Alfred to eat dinner with the granduke, I accepted.

Now, here we are eating and none of us saying anything. I only ate, and savored the taste.

I felt like heaven. Compared to the food they serve us in father's mansion, this is more delicious.

I sighed and thought about my future in this Mansion.

'Do I really have to marry the man who everyone feared?!'


I'm just starting to write here. I don't know why I did this..

TIME SAGA :  The Duchess Of Jinuava And Her Mission.. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin