I will be joining Gemini in basketball. Satang answered.

Me too. Phuwin stated.

Me and Mick will be joining the football team. Barcode replied.

What about you Ford ? Mick asked the quiet male.

I don't know any sports that well , but I can play badminton a little bit. Ford answered honestly.

Hearing this , Gemini's eyes lit up. This was the perfect chance to set up his friend.

Wait my best friend Mark is a pro at badminton , you should join him. He'll teach you and then you can play doubles with him. Gemini suggested and dialed Mark's number.

What do you want ? Mark answered the call.

Can you come to Fourth's table in the cafeteria , we need your help. Gemini replied.

Well be there in 5 . Mark answered in a giggly tone , excited to meet his crush.

You are participating in this year's inter-sports championship. Gemini stated as soon as Mark joined them , but it felt like a command.

Before Mark could comment on his friend's tone , Fourth beat him to it.

Phi~~Fourth hissed in disapproval of the taller's tone. You should ask for his opinion , not give commands like that. Fourth scolded.

But he wouldn't mind participating with Ford. Gemini answered with sad puppy eyes , his voice lowering at the end.

Mark who was hearing this conversation , had his eyes lit up in an instant.

Its alright nong Fotfot , I am now habitual of this behaviour. Mark remarked and ruffled his hair , which earned him a nasty and deadly side-eye from Gemini.

Okay so its settled then , Ford and Mark will be participating in badminton doubles. Barcode , concluded their cafeteria meeting.

The meeting room was a battlefield of sarcasm and tension, with Tan and Somchai, the Thai business partners, trading barbs like seasoned adversaries

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

The meeting room was a battlefield of sarcasm and tension, with Tan and Somchai, the Thai business partners, trading barbs like seasoned adversaries.

Pairs of narrowed eyes darted around, assessing each others moves like wary predators.

In one corner, seated across from each other, were the two Thai businessmen, New and Tay , slowly getting known for their infamous bickering that often escalated into chaotic showdowns , when ever they had a meeting.

The fashion project on which Mrs. Jirochtikul was collaborating on with Tay , was now handed to New , with him as incharge , as due to some unavoidable circumstances at the company , Mrs. Jirochtikul was busy with them.

Tan flipped through sketches with exaggerated flair, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Oh, Mr. Tay , I see you've gone for the 'minimalist' approach again. How avant-garde of you.

Tay shot back, his tone equally cutting. Well, Tan, at least I don't drown my designs in unnecessary embellishments. We're not dressing Christmas trees here.

Their assistants exchanged awkward glances as the tension in the room mounted, but Tay and New seemed oblivious, too engrossed in their verbal sparring to notice.

I suppose your idea of innovation is putting a bow on everything ? New quipped, raising an eyebrow.

Somchai smirked. Better than slapping sequins on every surface and calling it 'couture,' don't you think ?

Their banter was like a well-rehearsed dance, each step a carefully calculated insult aimed at undermining the other's vision.

But beneath the sarcasm, there was a hint of mutual respect – a begrudging acknowledgment of each other's talent, no matter how much they tried to conceal it.

As the meeting wore on, the chaos only seemed to fuel their creativity, each snide remark igniting a spark of inspiration.

By the end of the day, amidst the chaos and sarcasm, Tay and New had somehow managed to find common ground, their collaboration resulting in a fashion project that was as bold and innovative as it was unconventional.

Even when they were calling it a day , their bickering full of sarcastic comments did not stop and thanks to them , their employees got secret dose of laughter.

Even when they were calling it a day , their bickering full of sarcastic comments did not stop and thanks to them , their employees got secret dose of laughter

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Our tom and jerry couple stealing the spot light ✋🏻😌

Happy reading everyone and have an amazing day ahead 😘

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