Chapter Ten

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In the last three moons, Baelon Targaryen has been attending meetings with his mother regarding any situation that happens in Runestone or meetings that require every single Head of a House in the Vale by request of Lady Jeyne Arryn.

Baelon was always surprised when he was in the presence of Lady Jeyne, she was a young woman and still, she knew what to do precisely and looked for solutions to any problems or concerns. Lady Jeyne is only four years older than Baelon and yet he felt he had a lot to learn from her.

Seeing his mother in action also made him quite proud. He was always amazed about everything his mother did and every time she had to give orders — she was quite scary. Her demeanor and voice changes for people to take what she is saying seriously. It makes the others react quickly and his mother is always satisfied by the outcome.

"It wouldn't surprise me if your uncle dies soon. Cedric's drinking like crazy; his body might not hold up much longer," Rhea remarked with a scoff. "To think he always claimed he'd make a better heir than me — and look at him now, miserable as ever."

"At least you have Gerold. He's reliable."

"He is," Rhea agreed. "No word from your father?"

"None." Baelon hadn't heard from Daemon since leaving King's Landing. It didn't surprise him; his father was unpredictable that way. Still, he had expected some communication by now.

Lady Rhea scoffed again, but quickly cleared her throat to cover it up. Despite her disdain for Daemon, she refrained from speaking ill of him directly to Baelon. After all, he was still his son's father.

He looked at his mother, realizing that there were certain topics he hadn't broached with her in the past three months, one of them being the potential marriage arrangement with Lady Freya Tollett. Baelon himself had been avoiding the subject because he truly wasn't ready to discuss it. He wasn't keen on being betrothed to anyone, especially not until he saw Rhaenyra again.

"Mother," he called out. Her attention shifted to him, her brown eyes focused on him. "Why haven't you told me?"

Rhea's brows furrowed. "Tell you what, dear?"

"About...uh, about your discussions with Lord Brian Tollett regarding me potentially marrying his daughter, Freya."

It was evident that Lady Rhea hadn't anticipated such a direct question from him. She straightened her posture and clasped her hands together. "Who informed you of this?"

"Lady Freya did," Baelon replied.

Rhea nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, you're right. We've discussed the matter of marriage. However, the decision is ultimately yours, my love. I want you to make the choice. But you must understand, you'll need to marry soon. That's something beyond my control. As my heir, in case anything were to happen to me — "

"Don't say that," Baelon interrupted hastily. He understood the reality of their situation, but he couldn't bear the thought of his mother not being around. In many ways, he wished to inherit Runestone only when he was much older because that would mean his mother lived a long life.

"Baelon," Rhea gave him a stern yet compassionate look. "You must be ready for these discussions. You understand that, don't you?"

He glanced down at his hands and then back at her. "I do."

She nodded. "Again, I want you to make the choice. However, I believe Lady Freya is a strong candidate. In fact, she's your best option among the ladies of the Vale. I've done my research for you." Baelon chuckled softly. "My son, I know this is a lot to take in, but — "

"It was inevitable, mother. I understand," Baelon said, looking away.

With Queen Aemma deceased and Rhaenyra declared the Heir to the Iron Throne, alongside a potential marriage pact, everything was becoming all too real for him.

Lady Rhea rose from her seat and walked over to stand in front of her son. She gently embraced him, and Baelon responded by hugging her tightly. As she ran her hand through his dark hair, she started to wonder when did her little boy grow up.

"I love you. Always remember that," she whispered, placing a kiss on his head.

"I love you too. Always remember that," he replied, hugging her even tighter.


"What I'm hearing is that you will?" asked William. He and Baelon were in the midst of their training session, with Baelon wielding his Valyrian sword, Lamentation.

"I didn't say that," Baelon replied, pausing to catch his breath. "All I said was that she is a potential match."

William sneered. "Alright. When do you leave for Driftmark?"

"In two days," Baelon replied with a smile.

Driftmark held a special place in his heart. He had a close relationship with Princess Rhaenys and her children and always enjoyed his visits there. His mother encouraged him to take these opportunities, and he cherished each visit to the island.

William sighed. "I hate to admit it, but Runestone will be a bit dull without you."

Baelon playfully touched his heart. "How kind of you, dear cousin."

"Shut it," William retorted. "Come on, pick up that sword. Let's go again."


When Baelon entered his chambers, he found Yrsa seated in his chair, holding a letter and smiling at him.

"Look what arrived while you were with William," she said, "I thought I'd save it for your return. Wonder who it's from."

Baelon took the letter from her hand, already suspecting the sender. "You should have told me sooner."

Yrsa shook her head. "Nonsense. William always emphasizes the importance of training time, and I agree. This can wait. Now you have all the time in the world to read it, smile, and reply. See? I'm the best."

He chuckled at her response. "You may have a point." He glanced at the letter and then at her. "Thank you. I trust you didn't read it?"

"Of course I didn't. Who do you think I am?" Yrsa planted a kiss on his cheek. "Have a good night, my friend."

With Yrsa gone, Baelon settled into his chair and carefully opened the envelope to read the letter. Recognizing the handwriting, he couldn't help but crack a smile.

Dear Lord Baelon,
How are you? How are things over there? I hope this letter finds you well. It's been a moon since we last exchanged letters, and I admit I'm partly to blame for the silence.

As for me, I'm managing, though things feel a bit odd here. I feel so out of place. I am still a cupbearer for my fathers council but I have no say in meetings. Everyone else is mainly the same except for Alicent. She is acting weird and a little bit distant. I don't know what to do or what to ask her. I am getting worried.

I often wish you were here by my side. I miss you a lot.

Please respond when you're able. Take care, and please convey my greetings to your mother.

With love,
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen

As Baelon read the letter, a smile played on his lips, though it faltered slightly at the mention of Alicent's behavior. He couldn't fathom why she might be acting strangely, but he knew it was something for Rhaenyra to navigate on her own.

In crafting his reply, Baelon resolved to advise Rhaenyra to approach Alicent directly and inquire about her well-being. However, he decided to omit any mention of his potential marriage to Lady Freya. That was a secret he intended to keep until he had made a definitive decision. He wanted to maintain his reply letter mainly about him and Rhaenyra.

With a final read-through of Rhaenyra's letter, Baelon began to craft his reply with a smile, his thoughts drifting back to her. He pictured her hair, her eyes, her smile, and her infectious laugh that he adored. The memory of her laughter made him long to hear it in person once more.

But for now, he could only imagine and dream of her.

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