Chapter 2

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Zahir was walking for a few hours in the same direction eating an apple. The sun was just staring to set casting the sky in orange. Hues of purple and pink.

Back at the house winter was sitting outside with his two sons. "Papa, can we take a break?" Larkin asked with his hand on his knees. Winter only looked at them from behind his cup of tea and raised a thin eyebrow. "Now what's wrong?" He asked "We're tired, and need a break." Leo said from his laying position on the ground.

Just then their mom walked out into the back yard. "Winter it’s getting late Don't you thing that Zahir should be here but now?" Winter turned his head to look at his wife. "You know that she has been showing up later, and later. She on an exploration, in a world of her own. I bet she on her way home as we speak." He said standing and walking in the house followed by his wife. "If you two any sigh of your sister let us know." Their mother said before closing the back door.

Once there mother and father was gone Larkin flopped down on the ground next to his brother. "Man, Leo who knew learning new spells could be so hard?" He asked. Leo sat up and stared off into the woods "I sure didn't. But let’s hope Zahir comes home or Papa will be twice as hard on us." he pulled one knee to his chest and wrapped his around it and rested his chin on his knee. "Yeah i guess you’re right." Larkin agreed with his brother and turned to look out into the woods.

Back in the woods Zahir stopped walking and climbed another tree to take a break in. She sat there eating a pear thinking of what to do next. It was getting dark and she was running low on food. She couldn't go back not know, not when she was so close. Sigh in defeat she climbed down from the tree. She stood there for a few seconds looking off into the direction she was going.

Sighing once again she took a step in the opposite direction. Before her foot could make contact with the ground it stopped. Zahir stared at her foot perplexed. 'What's going on?' she thought to herself. Suddenly her body turned and ran in the direction she was going. She tried to force her body to stop but to avail, every time she tried to there would be a sharp pain that would engulf her body.

Giving up due to the pain she let her body go. All she could do was watching her body run thought the wood with a mind of its own, it jumped over large tree root and dodged boulders that were in her way. In her head there was a voice but she couldn't point out what it was saying, it came out as static more than a voice. 'What’s wrong with my body?' she tried to ask the voice but got no answer.

Zahir body ran for about an hour and she didn't feel tired. Her body stopped in front of an old log cabin. She sighed and turned to walk away, but her body once again stopped and made her turn around. Looking at the cabin she took a wary step towards it. Seeing that her body allowed her to move towards the cabin she took another step and another, until she was standing at the front door.

She opened the door gingerly and slow walked inside. There was nothing but dust and broken things that scattered the floor. Ready to close the door and walk away a voice in her head said 'Stay' so she did as the voice said and walked in the house. "Hello?" She said in a quiet voice to see if anyone was living in the cabin. She heard no answer.

She slowly walked across the small room to a window that was broken. She stepped up to the window and peered out and the night sky. It was a little past midnight and the only thing she could see was the twinkle of stars and the glowing light the moon gave off the lit the room of the cabin.

She turned to look at the room. 'You know you want it, you yearn for it. You spent all your days looking for it. Now it’s here in your hands. It was given to you because of your desire of it. Search... Search for it Zahir.' She stood there, was what the voice said true. Was what she was looking for really in her hands?

She instinctively got on her hand and knees and begun to shuffle her hands in the dirt slowly to make sure that she didn’t cut her on the broken glass.

She moved the dirt and glass around felling for something. Suddenly she felt a rather large smooth and warm surface in a pile of dirt that was under a broken table that was covered in dirt. She grabbed the object and slowly pulled it from under the table. It was heavy but she managed to pull it into her lap. She brushed away the dirt to reveal a smooth pale blue surface that was dotted with darker shades of blue. There was a soft beating coming from within it.

Tears begun to make streams down her dirt covered face as she stared at the egg in her hands 'I found one. I found one!'  She chanted to herself as she sat there staring at the egg. 'Now go you have your wish.' the words the voice said were meant to be harsh but the came out like the voice was begging her to leave.

She was going to leave but she wasn't going to carry the egg all the way home. She looked over at her bag that was carrying what little food she had left. She shifted to grab the bag to see what was left in it. To her surprise there was only an apple and plum left. She pulled them out and placed them in her vest pocked, and then she eased the egg into the bag. Once it was in the bas she stood and walked toward the front door.

In front of the cabin she looked around not knowing where to go 'Strait.' the voice said in her head, she listen and begun to walk in that direction and let the voice lead her way home.

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