A Day of The Fool

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Maintaining a serious demeanor, Klein held onto the same hope inwardly. Training beyonders in this way might not have a significant impact on the overall outcome, but he hoped it could at least improve the chances of survival for those children, even if only slightly.

Atros' smile curled slightly at the corner as he pressed his hand to his chest and gave a small bow. "But worry not, Mr. Fool won't let such an outcome slide. We just have to do our best to follow his will. Praise The Fool!"

Upon hearing this, Klein smiled slightly and mirrored his gesture.

I won't accept such an outcome.

"Praise the Fool!"

Everyone filed into the sacred assembly hall, which also served as a classroom. Each student took their usual seat, quietly anticipating the start of the evaluation. The room was filled with a hushed atmosphere, occasionally broken by whispers as everyone waited patiently.

Suddenly, the doors swung open, revealing a duo dressed in black trench coats, their sleeves decorated with a thin line of gold. One of them was a striking young woman with long silver hair tied up, her outfit embellished with tiny bells that tinkled softly as she moved. The other was a pale young man with short black hair and crimson eyes, revealing two pointed teeth.

The silver-haired lady was the first to speak, offering a modest bow. "Please accept our apologies for being late, coming to this place proved challenging. Let's proceed with the examination without any further delay."

The bishop showed no signs of concern and warmly welcomed the two instructors required to lead the evaluation. Observing the arrival of the responsible parties, Klein then turned towards the duo and the old man, offering a respectful bow.

"As an assistant, it seems my ability to aid is somewhat limited. I hope the evaluation goes smoothly. If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave now."

Atros didn't restrict it; after all, Otis had participated in many evaluations, and his assistance was rarely required. He nodded with a bright smile as the two others also showed no surprise and saluted him. After wishing the students the best of luck, he casually made his way toward the exit.

While Klein enjoyed participating in such events, he had grown weary of the repetitive process and felt a bit embarrassed hearing the bishop recite the teachings of The Fool. As he made his way out of the cathedral, he couldn't help but wonder how his followers could take the holy book so seriously.

Klein chuckled softly, I'd rather die than even admit this holy book is about me.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Klein knew he might have overreacted. Lately, his emotions had been all over the place, sometimes strong, but mostly absent. That was the cost of operating a fragmented soul. To stay connected with his human side, he found that occasionally exaggerating his reactions helped bring out buried emotions. Such were the goals of Otis' persona, after all.

Such were the responsibilities of a god—balancing prayers, guiding destinies, and uniting the people. It was a daunting task, requiring wisdom, power, determination, and above all, sacrifices. Each decision carried immense weight, shaping the lives of individuals and the fate of this world.

The outside remained largely unchanged, basking in the calm atmosphere of a lazy Sunday. Klein, impersonating as Otis, walked through its streets, exchanging greetings with the handful of residents who also had ventured out for a leisurely stroll. Eventually, he made his way to the outskirts, where the town met the sea.

The deep blue waves rolled in and out like the never-ending tide, their rhythmic motion creating a soothing sound. The air was heavy with the scent of the salty sea, enhancing the atmosphere. The wind blew steadily, gently brushing against everything in its path. In the distance, a figure dressed in black could be seen, walking along the shore with a wooden cane in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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