A gentle giant of a barista (Chapter 2)

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Note: This chapter will present Harua's point of view during their first interaction as a college student. It will shed light on how Harua came to love this sophomore barista, brimming with charisma and gentleness.

Sometimes, pushing yourself to the limit only happens when fueled by pure adrenaline or caffeine. As a biology major, classes were just the tip of the iceberg; it was the assignments and exams that threatened to overwhelm you in a heartbeat.

"Harua." A familiar voice interrupted his drowsy state, urging him to wake from his slumber. Harua lifted his arm, the lab coat draped over his small frame slipping off, revealing the telltale signs of another all-nighter in the laboratory. "You stayed up again... Professor Kurokawa told me to wake you up."

"Thanks, Taki. I'll grab some coffee before the first class..." Harua mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.

"You're going for coffee again? But you don't even like it..." Taki observed, giving Harua a skeptical look.

"I'm trying to acquire a taste for it..." Harua admitted, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Are you trying to like coffee, or are you trying to like the barista?" Taki teased with a mischievous grin.

"That's not it!" Harua protested, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks as he hastily made his escape down the corridor. Taki chuckled softly, watching his friend's embarrassed retreat.

Harua's steps quickened as he made his way to the café, his mind still full of expectations regarding a certain boy. "Ah! I forgot I haven't showered yet; I'll have to shower at home before first class...I hope he doesn't find my smell bad..." Despite his initial reluctance, Harua couldn't deny the pull he felt toward the quiet prince of the economics department. Another day, another chance to see him...

Entering the café, the familiar aroma of coffee enveloped him, stirring memories of their conversations and Jo's warm smile. As he approached the counter, he couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with nervousness.

"Hello," Jo greeted him with a gentle smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth. Harua felt his cheeks heat up at the sight, a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation coursing through him. There he is...

"Hi," Harua replied, trying to steady his nerves. "Can I... um, get a hot americano, please?"

Jo's eyebrow arched slightly in surprise, but he quickly punched in the order with a nod. As he prepared the coffee, Harua stood there in awe, admiring the gentle giant in front of him. His broad shoulders emanated masculinity, and his gentle face atop them resembled a sculpture.

He settled himself at the window-side table, basking in the morning light. Watching Jo brew the coffee filled him with endearment. I wonder if he's aware of how gorgeous he looks while brewing those coffees...

"One americano," Jo announced, his voice pulling Harua from his thoughts. Harua took the cup with a grateful smile, though he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt knowing he still hadn't developed a taste for coffee.

As he reached for the coffee, their fingers grazed each other slightly. The warmth of Jo's hands enveloped Harua's cold fingers, causing his heart to skip a beat. His hands are so big...and warm, Harua thought.

With determined resolve, Harua took a sip, trying to focus on the flavor rather than the bitter aftertaste. But as expected, his expression twisted into a grimace, betraying his true feelings. "Why does coffee even taste like this...it's like eating a big blob of bitter gourd."

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