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I hope ur enjoying this book so far (w the two stories i put on here)

Um honestly this is so fun to do and i rlly hope that ill keep this up and not forget about this

Anyway just want to ask what u guys would like me to write about. I have some ideas and u can pick from here or u can make ur own and ill give credit to u obvi. Like i said a lot of the stories will be jj maybank related but ill try to branch out lol.


Pope tutors character

Character tutors jj

John b and character child hood besties


Jj and character fake date bc idk 

Surfing trip


Hot tub scene

Sarah and kie set character on blind date making jj jealous

Jj and character kinda like vlad and Val

Pope asks character out to prom

That's what i have so far. Pls gimme some ideas thanks pookies💋

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