Chapter 3

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3 Years ago

- Yuqi, Come on you need to get out of this room...

Yuqi's friend was trying her best to drag her out for a walk.

- I can't have a minute for myself?

- YOU HAVE BEEN THERE FOR 3 DAYS? Your parents cancelled all your  events...

Being a Teen Sensation has been taking everything from her, and all her friend wanted was for her to take a second to breath but Yuqi wasn't understanding that.

- Okay...

She sighs and change her clothes, walking out of her room.

- Let's go!!

Her friend dragged her out of the house where the van was already waiting for them.

- I thought it was a walk?

Yuqi said looking at her friend.

- It will be, we are getting there soon okay? Why is the security van following along?

- Babes, We are going to Downtown of course we need security!

Yuqi rolls her eyes and just slides down "Into" the chair; Once they arrive downtown Yuqi gets out and fix her clothes,Her bodyguards get out of their van and stay nearby while the two friends walk around, there were a few fans that asked them for photos but other than that they were feeling pretty safe, Yuqi was finally enjoying it all, one of the street parks was having a singing competition, Yuqi took her friend to watch as she hears a unique voice, while approaching she sees this girl that had her laptop on her lap while playing the song on the spot and singing,once she finished she spoke in Korean, which Yuqi understood pretty well.

- Hey! I am Jeon Soyeon, In 2 years I'll be attending one of the best Korean Colleges of Arts and I hope you enjoyed my new song " The Loveless", It was amazing being in China! Follow my Instagram " Tiny.Pretty_J"

Yuqi didn't have the courage to talk to her, but that voice, it changed her entire life, she couldn't understand why but one of the first things she did was to follow the girls IG on her Burner account, since then She has been following Soyeon's singing and Producing Journey.

———————————— Current Time

- Shuhua! SHUHUA!

Yuqi was taken away from her thoughts, the classes have ended but now there was a commotion outside the class.

- Hey, Soyeon isn't that your friends name?

Soyeon looked at Yuqi and then took a second to hear the screams for help from Soojin, Soyeon went running to the class door to see outside.


Soojin said the School Nurse was coming to help out, Soojin and her grabbed Shuhua and they walked to the Nursing Office, Soyeon went as well and Yuqi grabbed her stuff as well and followed suit behind her.

- Can you tell me what happened?
The Nurse asked Soojin.

- I am not sure myself, we were talking and out of nowhere Shuhua just collapsed...

- Hmmm.

- What did she eat today?
Yuqi asks.

- Nothing more than an apple, for some reason she wasn't feeling alright since last night I told her to stay home but she didn't want to...

- Is probably Hypoglycaemia... Here.
Yuqi gives Soojin a bag gumdrops

- Oh, Thanks...
Soojin smiles and tries to wake up Shuhua who slowly regains consciousness, Soojin feeds the gumdrop to Shuhua. Soyeon was also super worried about Shuhua.

- I am alright guys, I am so sorry...
Shuhua says making Soojin sigh and kiss her forehead.

- Please, never again let things like this just go unnoticed...
Soyeon says holding Shuhua's left hand.

- I was scared for my life!
Soojin says.

- you can keep the bag I have a bunch as things like this ended up happening way too often to me...

- Thanks Yuqi.

Shuhua said and Soyeon smiled.

- Well, I see you home Soy.
Soojin said and Soyeon nodded.

Yuqi and Soyeon left the two at the Nurse Office and Soyeon looked at Yuqi.

- Thanks for bringing my things, I'll see you tomorrow?

Soyeon tried to grab her things but Yuqi pouted and Smiled at her.

- Come with me for dinner...
Soyeon giggled.

- Ms Song Yuqi... You are way too charming aren't you?

Yuqi smiled and took Soyeon to her car.

- Didn't You come in with a bike?

- Well, I planned to take a really special girl to dinner tonight so I asked my friend to swap with me...
Soyeon Smiled and rolled her eyes on Yuqi antiques.

- Sure, I know you say that to every girl you  meet.
She pouts.

- I don't think I would ever find anyone with a voice as amazing as yours...
Yuqi winks at Soyeon catching her off guard and tinting her cheeks bright red.

- Stop! I'll get in...

Yuqi opens the car door letting Soyeon in and then putting their things on the back of the car after assuring Soyeon is in she goes to the driver's side.

- I'll let you listen to the song I recorded last night, it's called Freak.

Yuqi puts the song on and drives them away from the college parking lot, Soyeon was extremely happy maybe this was a fairy tale, maybe not, maybe she was just in this really long dream and soon her alarm was going to blast off the song she hates the most so she is motivated to wake up and turn it off, but just like a 0.1% chance that this is all real and maybe someone really loves her like that, or at least admires her enough to go through all these little things with her and make sure that she would smile, has not even been a full week of Yuqi being in her life but it feels like that is the best friendship that maybe could turn into something unexpected by the way Yuqi  seems to persist on the Idea that Soyeon is this Unique...

- So, what do you think?

Yuqi asks with a smile parking the car in a restaurant in Gangnam.

- It's amazing you are so good! When are you going to release it? Next week I am flying to China to promote it, so it will be out in 3 days!

Yuqi smiles and gets out of the car, she makes her way to Soyeon's side and opens it.

- Oh, Thanks. Also thanks for showing me the song.

Soyeon kisses Yuqi cheek and Yuqi  tries to hide a silly smile trying to creep out.

- Well, let's go...

Soyeon giggles at eh sight of Yuqi's cheeks starting to get red,she walks beside Yuqi into the restaurant.

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