I n t r o

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"Do you promise me you'll look after Spencer for me and help him get over this?" Y/N asked Hotch, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. Witness protection wasn't an easy choice for Y/N. She had to choose between staying with Spencer and putting her loved ones in danger, or leaving with her dad and sister to keep them safe. The thought of anything happening to them was unbearable, but her dad was in trouble and she had to go. Faking her death was the only way to protect everyone, especially Spencer. She couldn't bear to see him sacrifice his life for her.

"Spencer's got me and the whole team to support him. Please try not to worry," Hotch reassured her with a pause. "And you know, if there's a time when you ever want to come back, there's always a place for you on this team." Tears filled Y/N's eyes as she looked down, feeling the weight of her decision. "If he ever found out, he'd hate me."

Y/N left the office, leaving a note on Spencer's desk telling him to meet her at the place of their first date. She rushed home to pack her essentials for her new life, feeling guilty about the pain she would cause Spencer and the team. As she dressed in her favorite black dress, memories of happier times with Spencer flooded her mind, making her doubt her decision.

Arriving at the restaurant where they had their first date, Y/N waited anxiously for Spencer, knowing this would be their last meal together. Their future together, once filled with dreams of marriage and children, now seemed like a distant memory. Spencer joined her at the table, unaware of the truth behind their meeting.

After a quiet meal, they took a walk through the city, and Spencer sensed something was wrong. Y/N's vague words left him worried, but she brushed off his concerns. As they reached her apartment, Y/N knew it was time to say goodbye. Embracing Spencer one last time, she poured all her love into a kiss before disappearing inside, leaving him confused.

The news of Y/N's supposed death shattered Spencer, leaving him with regrets and unanswered questions. Years passed, and Y/N remained a lingering memory in Spencer's heart, while she struggled to move on in her new life. Short-lived romances couldn't compare to the love she had lost with Spencer, leaving her haunted by the what-ifs and the pain of their untold story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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