Archie and Mad Dog grimaced, but kept drinking their water. "So, uh, how's your arm, Abigail?" Archie asked.

I gave a small shrug. "Doesn't hurt too bad anymore, but it still looks pretty messed up. It'll be another pretty scar to add to my collection."

"Hey, I did the best I could. I've had more experience stitching up knife wounds than digging bullets out of my girlfriend's arm," Sweet Pea whined.

Mad Dog choked on his water as he laughed. "How can you say that so casually?"

I grinned, looking up at Sweet Pea. "We like to keep things exciting."

He shook his head, a small smile on his face. "I think we've had enough excitement for a while," he said, kissing me softly.

"We'll catch you guys later," Archie said, setting his empty glass on the table.

"Let us know when you've got the results," I called out as he and Mad Dog headed to the door.

Sweet Pea and I passed the day at the Serpent HQ with the other Serpents. Someone had already cleaned up the bloodstains left by Gladys and Penny Peabody, but I could still make out the marks on the pillars from across the room. It wasn't the same hanging out here as it had been when we still had the Whyte Wyrm, but the lack of a bar meant we could just be normal teenagers for once.

It was late afternoon when I stepped outside, phone pressed to my ear. "Archie, did you get the results?" I asked.

"Yeah, we did," he replied. "We're both clean but Ronnie's setting up for a public announcement out front of Pop's in an hour."

"I'll rally the Serpents, we'll be there," I replied.

"What? No, no, there's no need for all of them," Archie protested.

I sighed. "Listen, Andrews. I know Elio Grande and the circles he runs in. He's not likely going to let things end here. You're an honorary Serpent and Mad Dog did his best to help you at L&L. He's earned Serpent protection too. You know how this town is, things could get ugly fast." I hung up quickly before he could try to argue.

Letting myself back inside, I surveyed the motley group spread out before me for a minute before getting everyones attention. "You all heard about Ronson going down at the match last week and the accusations his manager has thrown out?" everyone nodded, staying silent. "Archie and Mad Dog took a drug test this morning and are announcing the results outside Pop's in less than an hour. And we're going to be there for them."

"You think there's going to be trouble?" Sweet Pea asked.

"It's possible," I replied, scanning the group. "We're not going over there to start anything, we're going to stand in support of our fellow Serpent, show everyone that he's not alone."

"Let's go then," someone said, everyone filing out past me. Part of me was surprised, I hadn't expected them all to go so easily. I'd been expecting some push-back, more convincing needed.

I followed the others out, climbing onto the back of Sweet Pea's bike. A small crowd had already gathered, and I spotted Alice Cooper standing near the bottom of the stairs with the other reporters. We got a few worried looks from the crowd, but I kept the Serpents by their motorcycles, a short distance away. Close enough to hear but far enough that there was no perceived threat.

Coming out of the diner, Archie gave a small nod in acknowledgement from where he and Mad Dog stood on either side of Veronica. She held a brown envelope in her hand, looking around with a pleased smile. I am pleased to announce that the results of the drug test taken by Archie Andrews and Mad Dog Moore have both come back negative," she said. "And as the investigation into the horrific death of Randy Ronson continues–"

"He murdered our brother," a woman shouted, storming over to the crowd. Three younger girls followed behind her like ducklings and none other than Elio Grande by her side.

"Ronson's sisters," Sweet Pea muttered.

"Ms Ronson, I assure you, Archie didn't–," Veronica began, trying to diffuse the situation.

The older woman ignored Veronica, her eyes locked on Archie. "You should fry for what you did."

I held up a warning hand as several Serpents moved a step forward the minute Archie made his way down the steps and over to Ronson's sisters. "Ms Ronson, believe me, if I could take back what–"

The slap echoed, cutting off Archie's sentiments. I could just see the delighted look on Alice Cooper's face as she turned to the cameraman, no doubt enjoying the drama.

"I'm so sorry," Archie began again. "I wish it were me and not him."

Elio turned the Ronson women away, looking back at Archie over his shoulder as they began walking back the way they came. "I think you're not alone in that sentiment, Andrews," he called.

I could still sense the Serpents standing ready behind me. "You two," I said, not paying much attention to who I had selected, "following them. Discreetly. Call me if it looks like they're heading to El Royale or the house."

"You want the rest of us to stick around?" someone asked.

I watched the crowd dispersing, splitting apart in groups of two and three. Alice Cooper was standing by the news van, watching us with an unreadable expression as the equipment was loaded in the back. "No, go if you want," I said at last. "It looks like that was it this time."

Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around me as the others took off on their motorcycles, leaving a cloud of dust behind them. "What's on your mind, Abigail?" Sweet Pea asked.

"This should be the end of the whole Andrews-Ronson debacle, but knowing Archie, he's not done with it," I replied. "He's going to find some wrong that needs to be righted before he can move on."

"And when he does, he'll have us and the rest of the Serpents behind him," Sweet Pea said. "No Serpent stands alone, right?"

"I thought Jughead was the leader of your gang," Mad Dog said, joining us.

I nodded. "Technically, yes, but as usual, he and Betty are MIA. Someone had to step in, so why not me?"

"Fair enough," Mad Dog said. "You think Red's gonna be okay? I gotta get home to my grandma and brother."

I nodded. "He'll get through this one way or another."

Author's Note: So it was a productive weekend, or so I thought.  I knocked out three really good chapters, including this one and had them ready to publish.

Turned out that when I finally did pass out after not sleeping for three straight days, I dreamt that I was working on this story.  So here you are, stuck with this mediocre chapter until I can actually get the next one written.

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