Chapter 9 -Hard Conversations

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Raven's POV

"Its going to be fine, its going to be fine.." Raven thought over and over again as she and Ashlynn made their way to the Headmasters' office. They had scheduled a meeting with Headmaster Giles Grimm - and only Giles - to bring up the issues with Apple as well as bring up their suspicions about Headmaster Milton Grimm. All of the Rebels were gonna be at the meeting, as well as Ashlynn, Dexter, Rosabella and Darling. Both for moral support, but also so that it would not look like the Rebels are ganging up on the "Royal student Leader", something Rosabella suggested.

Cerise, Ramona, Sparrow and Melody also hexted their parents who are teachers about the meeting and they will also be there for support, along with a few other teachers. Raven is a bit more nervous, as a Royal teacher might be more worried about protecting a Royal student than helping a Rebel one, but this might be one of those times she is just gonna have to have faith that everything will be okay.

By the time Raven and Ashlynn arrive, most of the Rebels are there along with Rosabella and Darling. Dexter and Hunter arrive a few moments after them.

Hunter immediately greets Ashlynn and they talk in hush tones together. Dexter meanwhile stayed where he was. Raven quickly notices that the prince's eyes seem to dart around a lot and he seemed to be fiddling with his Royal Blue coat sleeves. Upon closer inspection, his shoulders where slightly raised and he had light gray bags under his eyes like he could not sleep. Raven's heart was already out to him, what with everything he was already risking being seen with them, but it looked like the possible stress was getting to him big time now.

"Hey," Raven said gently as she approached. Dexter's shoulders and fingers seemed to relax a bit "You okay?"

Dexter's azure-blue eyes went a bit wide at the question and he let out an awkward smile, "I feel like I should be asking you that question."

Raven tried to smile back but it ended faltering. Dexter noticed and gentle laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, he said, "it will be okay. If Headmaster Giles is anything like Headmaster Milton, then he is not gonna stop at anything until this wronged has been righted."

Raven finally managed a smile, "Yeah, that does sound like Giles," she agreed.

Just then, the door to the Headmasters' office opened up, revealing Giles Grimm's smiling face.

"Hello everyone, sorry to keep you all waiting," he opened the door a bit wider so everyone could get through, "let us start this meeting."

Everyone began to file in, and Raven looked around to see who else was in the office: there was Giles, of course, as well as Mr. Badwolf, Professor Piper, Madam Marian - again, Raven knew they would be there. She also saw Madam Yaga, the Rebel's Counselor, Professor Jack B. Nimble and Mrs. Her Majesty the White Queen. Raven was a bit more nervous about these three, as they were all pretty Pro-Royal, even if they did not consider themselves Royals.

"So," Giles took his seat behind his desk, his eyes dimmed with worry, "what brings so many of you to my office today, and why did you request that so many teachers be present?"

"Because, Headmaster," Rosabella began, her voice firmer that Raven could ever imagine hers being right now, "we have reason to believe that another student, one Apple White, is stalking and harassing other students, some of which are present right now."

Giles blinked in surprise while the other teachers had varying reactions from pissed, to shock to disbelieve.

"That is a very serious accusation, Miss Beauty," Mrs. Her Majesty the White Queen said, her face stern, "I am afraid that we are gonna need more than just assumptions and feelings in order to take this seriously."

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