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"The Evolution and Influence of Russian Literature: From Old Russian Literature to the Golden Age and Beyond"

Period from 11-17th century is called old Russian literature. It included mostly religious stories about rulers.
18th century, epoch of classicism. During this period literature had to follow certain rules.
1-Unity of place (write abt these in a sentence)
2-Unity of time
3-Unity of action
Some of them were writing odes to the Russian tsars and others to the contrary. The 17th century in Russian literature was marked by the reign of Tsar Alexis I and the emergence of literary traditions influenced by religious themes and folklore. The most notable work of this period is the "Domostroy," a guide to household management and moral conduct. Additionally, there were religious texts, hagiography, and translations of Western European works.
In Russian literature, the 18th century—often called the "Age of Enlightenment" or the "Petrine Era" saw a profound shift in both culture and literature. Prose became more popular during this time. Mikhail Lomonosov contributed to both literature and science. His historical poem "Ioann Kronshtadsky" captures the patriotic themes that are popular at this time.Alexander Sumarokov, who is frequently referred to as the founder of Russian classical theater, is another important individual. His plays examined moral and societal difficulties while embracing the principles of the Enlightenment.
Let's move towards the 19th century also called as the Golden age of Russian literature. The greatest Russian poet of all times is Alexander Pushkin. The moon of the Russian poetry which is M. LERMONTOV, his works are about the search for the meaning of life, relationship between society and individuals and social problems of those times.
LEO TOLSTOY(1828-1910), worked on the realism genre. Tolstoy criticizes egoistic and arrogant secular society. Next, FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY(821-1881), was the master of psychological novels.
Russian literature has a long and rich history, and it has greatly influenced international literature, especially in the 19th century. Russian society's spiritual and moral outlook was greatly influenced by the poetry of Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Nabokov, who reflected global life categories and applied them to Russian reality.Their writings encapsulated the peculiarities of Russian culture and produced amazing literary works that still have an impact on and inspire readers today.Pushkin's skill with language and command of several literary forms, including the ode, sonnet, and elegy, signaled a turning point in the evolution of Russian poetry.
Dostoevsky's novels, like "Crime and Punishment" and "The Idiot," probed the depths of the human soul and the conflict between good and evil, while Tolstoy's prose works, like "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina," examined the complexities of human relationships and the role of individuals in society.The novel "Lolita" by Nabokov, which explores themes of love, freedom, and the human condition while displaying the author's mastery of language, is a shining example of how the Russian literary heritage has influenced literature throughout the world. These authors' and poets' works were impacted by a number of things, including the moral and spiritual beliefs of the times, the impact of alchemical activities on art and literature, and the influence of Russian literature on early 20th-century French magazines.

The pioneers of Russian literature

Russian literature has had a significant influence on world literature and culture. Celebrated writers such as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn have left a lasting legacy of masterpieces that are studied and appreciated around the world.
•Historical Insight: Russian literature provides valuable insights into Russian history, society, and culture. Many works depict the tumultuous events and social transformations that Russia has undergone, including the Russian Revolution, the Soviet era, and the challenges faced by individuals under oppressive regimes. By reading Russian literature, one can gain a deeper understanding of the country's past, its people, and the forces that have shaped its development.
•Psychological Depth: Russian literature is well known for its examination of complex characters and psychological depth. Writers such as Dostoevsky explore the depths of the human psyche, delving into topics like existential crises, guilt, redemption, and the nature of evil. These psychological principles remain applicable in comprehending human conduct and sentiments, irrespective of temporal and cultural barriers.
For the purpose of this particular article I will be primarily focusing on four main Russian writers. Leo tolstoy,Alexander pushkin,Fyodor dostoevsky, Vladimir nobokov
1) Leo tolstoy

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