004. you wouldn't

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Liked by mekonnen_official , megdonnely and 897k others

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Liked by mekonnen_official , megdonnely and 897k others

lottiepascal filming is getting closer 💪💪

tagged / disneyzombies

lottiepascal maybe ☺️
megdonnely don't tease me like this i need to hear it

bradynoon missing you already
lottiepascal glad to be away from you
bradynoon what did j do to deserve this

sway_bhatia about to win you in paintball
milomanheim if she ever even shows up 😭😭

user2 i physically can't wait for the new songs to come out
lottiepascal won't have to wait long !
user2 OMGG?!


The whole cast had decided that before filming they wanted to get to know each other better so most days before filming have been filled with all the cast members finding something to do together.

Today is no different they were going to be doing paintball and had all decided to wear white so it'd be easier to tell if you're shot and by who. Scarlett had gone to a studio needing to finalise some things for her new song and accidentally lost track of time now rushing to get the park they were having this paintball fight at.

She finally got there seeing her friends preparing all the guns for it. She quickly stopped and gave herself a second to catch her breath.

"SCAR! you're finally here!" she heard milo shout looking over at her, she smiled and waved walking up to him. "i ran all the way and it doesn't even look like i'm late" she questioned skeptically as she looked around.

"you're not really, i just said that so you'd get here quicker" milo answered casually shrugging. Her jaw dropped in shock as he began laughing.

"you made me run all the way here" she shouted at him as she punched him in between each word, him only laughing at her anger.

The match had just began and as soon as it started paint was getting shot at everyone from different directions. She caught meg's eye who immediately looked over at milo who was standing smugly on his own, she nodded instantly understanding.

They both started shooting at him, him jumping out of shock as he believed he was safe from the fire line. They both laughed at his shocked state and before they both recovered from their laughter scarlett turned her gun towards meg.

"no please" meg said dramatically raising her hands in defeat, "sorry" she replied shrugging before shooting meg who fell onto the ground and began pretending to die.

Julian saw their interaction and decided to join in as he ran up to meg and began to dramatically cry "how could you do this? oh meg you'll be okay"

He looked up at scar "revenge for meg" he stated as he lifted his gun to shoot her, she immediately started to run away from him though they wasn't really anywhere to hide considering they were in a field with only a couple of trees.

Mk appeared in front of her and shot julian for her "my hero" she said sarcastically thanking him. He smirked as he bowed.

They both decided to team up and went around together shooting everyone in their path splattering them in paint.

Scarlett had practically no paint scattered across her clothes while others like julian you couldn't even see the white of his shirt anymore.

"you know i think you haven't been out yet" mk stated as they both sat hidden behind a tree. She cocked an eyebrow as she lifted her arm showing her muscles "i'm just too good"

He laughed and lifted his gun her eyes widening in shock "you wouldn't" she said smiling slightly having found all the dramatics amusing and fun to do.

"i would" he said smirking as he slowly lifted it up and shot her. She gasped in fake shock "wow i can't believe you" she said laughing.

"will you ever forgive me?" he questioned also clearly amused. She pretended to think about it "no".

"what will i ever do?" he exclaimed dramatically as she shoved him lightly both of them laughing. They were both caught up so much in the moment between each other they completely forgot about everyone else until they heard them shout their names.


have you guys seen mk posts on tt and ig about his actual gf they're literally so cute

anywho planning to upload more hopefully 🤞

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