Yibo was heading towards a river when he encountered another group of people but now they were just four people.

"Give us the message scroll." One of the attackers said.

Yibo sighed and sat on the floor making the attackers alert as they thought Yibo was going to attack them. But Yibo just sat on the ground and stared at the attackers with pouty lips.

"I am tired. Let me rest. Then we will fight." Yibo said.

"What tricks are trying to play boy?" Another attacker asked.

"Me? Nothing." Yibo said while sneakingly gathering dust in his hand.

"Don't waste time on him. Just attack." Another attacker said and about to attack Yibo but before he could attack Yibo threw dust in their eyes.

"I don't have time to play with you." Yibo said and used his Qing Gong to flew from there.

Yibo reached the bank of river easily as there were no other attacks on the way. Because everyone would avoid this route.

There was a river in the foot of the mountain. If anyone cross the river then they can easily reached the mountain. But the problem was that the cultivators set up many tools to prevent anyone to cross the river.

"Don't tell me, Number 85 want to cross the river?" Xueyi asked.

"He is making another stupid decision." Hongyi said.

"It would be a wish decision if he can cross the river." Zhan said.

"What do you think? Can he cross the river?" Shishi asked Zhan.

"If he is taking a risk then he must be confident to cross the river." Zhan said and Shishi nodded her head.

"What does Hanguang Jun think? Will Number 85 able to cross the river?" Lan Mi asked.

"Definitely." Shishi said confidently as she knew that Yibo had great Qing Gong skill.

"It's getting more interesting." Zanjin said.

Yibo threw some leaves on the river and the leaves were cut into tiny pieces by thin strings which could hardly be seen. Then all the tools in the river activated.

Yibo carefully stepped on the thin strings using his Qing Gong skill. In two minutes he crossed the river successfully.

"Wow, he successed" Everyone said in unison while Shishi smirked proudly.

Yibo was moving forward when he heard loud screaming. He turned back and found that Lu was crossing the river but triggered the tools. Now, she couldn't move forward or backward. She was trapped.

"Number 15 is trapped." Lingyi said.

"She is done." Lin said.

Yibo stared at Lu while thinking if he should save his sister or not. If he didn't save Lu then she would be evicted from the competition. Then Yibo's biggest competitor would be out of his way. But if Yibo didn't save her, then she might get hurt.

Yibo decided to save Lu as he couldn't let his sister get hurt. He couldn't be heartless to his sister for a position. So, he ran to Lu and saved her. He made her stand on the other bank of the river as it was close to them.

"Thank you for saving me." Lu said.

"Be careful." Yibo said and Lu nodded her head.

"Wow, he saves his opponent." Zanjin said.

"It seems like, he is kind." Zhan said.

Yibo started to cross the river again but stopped in the middle. He saw a pink flower on a rock. The flower was beautiful which attracted Yibo as he loved flowers. Yibo went to the direction of the flowers making others confused.

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