Chapter 3: We meet again?

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Word count:997

Samaira's POV:
I shouldn't have let Naina slide away like that. Now, I needed to search around for her. As far as I knew her, she was definitely at that pani puri stall again. Determined, I headed towards the stall in search of her.

The weight of my heavy lehenga made each step feel like a struggle. The intricate embroidery, though stunning, felt like a burden as I dragged it along. We girls endured so much in the name of beauty, and yet, there was a certain joy in every moment of dressing up.

With each step, the strain on my feet increased. Walking in those 4-inch heels was proving to be a challenge. I gritted my teeth, refusing to let the discomfort show on my face. But deep down, I couldn't deny the pain felt when I tried to reach the pani puri stall.

As I scanned the crowd, searching for Naina, a sudden tremor ran through the ground. My heart skipped a beat as I felt my ankle twist beneath me. Panic surged through me as I struggled to maintain my balance. It was like time had slowed down, each second stretching out into eternity.

My eyes widened in fear as I could already feel the ground rushing up to meet me. With a sharp intake of breath, I closed my eyes and pursed my lips, bracing myself for the impact.

But amidst it all, there was a glimmer of hope that someone would come to my rescue, sparing me the humiliation of a public tumble. As I teetered on the brink of disaster, I clung to the first thing that came into my hands, that hope like a lifeline, praying for a miracle to save me from my impending fall.


Kabir POV

I was walking back after meeting Mr. Sharma, on my way to find that menace, Aditya. That boy slipped away so quietly, I’m damn sure he went in search of the food counter, the foodie he is. However, something beautiful caught my eye- a vision in a lehenga. It was Samaira Kashyap, the CEO of Kashyap and Company. She looked breathtaking in that ensemble, her struggle with the weight of her lehenga only adding to her charm.

Approaching her with a slight smirk, I couldn't help but admit that she had been on my mind ever since our previous encounter. It was a strange sensation, having a girl occupy my thoughts for so long. I never thought I'd find myself in this position.

Samaira was walking absentmindedly towards the pani puri stall, her posture betraying the struggle of carrying the weight of her attire. As I neared her, she suddenly tripped and fell. Instinctively, I reached out to steady her, but she tripped and fell with something unusual- the collar of my tuxedo.

In no second, I ended up on the ground with her, just above her face and in that moment, time seemed to stand still as I found myself hovering above her, our faces mere inches apart. Her face scrunched up in response to the impact of the fall, her eyes closing for a brief second.

During that precious moment, I couldn't help but drink in the sight of her. Her pretty face, adorned with natural long eyelashes resting delicately against her cheeks, those rosy cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and her lips, a dark red hue that begged to be kissed. She was a vision that was for sure.

Realising the compromising position we were in, I stood up immediately, while she remained seated on the ground, still trying to process what had just happened. Her face was a mixture of shock and embarrassment, but even in that moment, she exuded an undeniable cuteness that I couldn't help but be captivated by.
She spoke up, her voice cutting through the tension between us. "Stop staring and help me up instead. What kind of gentleman stands there and looks down at a fallen woman?" Her words were laced with attitude, a fire burning beneath the surface.

Had to admit, her attitude was something else. I couldn't help but smirk at her boldness. "Ma'am, you were the one who pulled me down. Shouldn't you be sorry as well?" I retorted, unable to resist the opportunity to match her sass with my own.

Her face registered shock at my response, but she wasn't willing to drop that attitude. "I knew your personality would be something like this the first time I saw you," she judged me once again, her defiance unwavering.

Before I could respond, her friend came running over, intending to help her stand. It was clear she didn't need my assistance, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at being dismissed so easily.


Samaira's POV:

As I lay there on the ground, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration I watched as Naina dashed over to my rescue after standing in the corner and laughing the entire time. She came rushing over to lend me a hand. Typical Naina, I thought, always ready to laugh at a friend's misfortune but equally quick to offer support when needed. That's the unspoken bond we shared as best friends-laugh first, help later.

Unable to get up on my own, I swallowed my pride and accepted her outstretched hand. She was definitely going to pay for her laughter at my expense but all that later. After all, deep down, I knew that if the roles were reversed-if it were Naina falling instead of me-I would probably be the first one laughing before extending a helping hand.

With Naina's supportive arm around me, I managed to hobble over to a nearby seat. The pain from the fall throbbed through my ankle, but having Naina by my side brought a sense of comfort and reassurance.

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