Chapter 57

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That evening, I had decided to make a hotpot dinner for us all to share, mostly to reduce my anxiety. I was preparing the broth whilst checking my phone for any text messages or phone calls.

"Did you want me to take over?" Tenya placed his hand on my wrist.

"No-No! I can handle it." I put my phone in my pocket as I refocussed myself on the broth. "How're the chives coming along Shoto?"

"He's cut them shittily!" Bakugo snapped. He held up to me a string of chives.

"Good effort Shoto, but make sure to cut all the way through the chive before putting it in the bowl." I patted his back.

After we had all finished. Iida made a toast.

"To everyone, in 3 months we will be considered as Upperclassmen! Tenya stood. "We must show respect to the younger students! And make sure they take inspiration from our journey."

After Tenya sat down, the door cracked open.

"Smells delicious! Room for one more?" That familiar voice struck through me.

"Daddy!" I ran towards my real father, crying tears of pure joy. He was wrapped up in an arm cast and was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Hey Bear, did you miss me?" Dad held my face as he wiped away my tears.

"I'm furious with you." I punched my dads healthy shoulder as I fell to my knees. "Why would you let Toga kidnap you!?"

"Amao, I didn't realise it was her." Dad patted my head. "I was walking from the store, I heard a cry for help coming from an alley and I went down to check, that's when I saw her. She was standing over a young girl's body. That's when she attacked me."

" how did you end up in Eusha City?" I looked up at him.

"It's all a blur, Bear." Dad grabbed my head gently. "But when I woke up, I was in chains, I was listening to what that villain was saying."

"What did he say?" Tenya stood next to me. My other classmates listened in.

"He was talking about liberation or something, and how they only kidnapped me to mess with my son." Dad said. My ears pricked up.

"They sure did toy with me that's for sure." I sighed. I took the ring off my finger and held it to my dad. "I'm sorry I couldn't save many other things."

"Amao, as long as you were able to get out safely, that's all I care about." Dad smiled. "The ring suits you, in fact. Take the other one."

My dad took the second ring off his finger and placed it on mine. I knew that I had his full support.

"Also, Nezu wanted me to say this..."

"Go on." I looked at dad.

"Once I'm back to full health, I'll be joining the teaching team at U.A!" My jaw dropped. "Yep! I'll be teaching Home Economics for the first, second and third years. It'll also mean I get to stay at the teachers' dorms."

"That's awesome Mr Odayaka." My classmates cheered.

"Although I'm stepping out of the Hero field, it'll either have to be Kuma or Mr Bear." Dad rolled himself to the hotpot. "Now, it's time to eat!"

Knowing that my dad was safe, and will continue to be safe made me happier, it also meant that I was able to refocus myself on my studies, and my relationships. I was looking forward to continuing helping out the people of Eusha City in my work studies.

The next morning was very interesting. Iida and I were talking.

"So when are you going to speak to your parents?" I sat at my desk.

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