"I will get you back!" he yelled after her with a huff, leaning against the wall with a disappointed sigh.


"Alright, what do we have?" Layla asked Arizona as she entered the pediatric wing. The blonde smiled at the sight of the brunette thinking of last night. The way her touch still lingeries in her mind, her laugh when she stumbled to the stall, the way her fingers were laced in her blonde hair. She was still wishing for a kiss.

"Oh, nothing today, except a few charts and post ops. Think you can handle them?" Robbins asked the Tate girl handing her a few different binders "of course, Dr. Robbins" Layla said taking the binders going to do what she asked.

When she finished the tasks that were asked of her, she went to go for lunch, while walking down the hall she was stopped by a shouting Bailey "You Tate help us!"

The sight was rather strange..Dr Bailey and Dr. Yang were hugging Dr. Dixon and she seemed to be having some sort of breakdown. "Get in here, will ya!" Bailey shouted once more causing Layla to hurry in with confusion set on her face.

"Hug her!" And she did she wrapped her arms around the two other women, squeezing as hard as she could still very confused.

After a while of just standing there, hugging Dr. Dixon the three woman all shared the same look, sort of waiting for this moment to be over.

"Cow are squeezed tightly in a chute before they're slaughtered." Dr. Dixon spoke "the chute applies intense pressure, resulting in decreased pulse rate, metabolic rate, and muscle tone."

"It calms them down."

"It calms them down. The same principles apply to people like me, a hugging machine is used to relax the sympathetic nervous system. It slows the heart. This is good. This is working." Dr. Dixon explained to them

"Oh, so we can stop now?" Cristina and Layla asked at the same time automatically earning a "no!"

And they didn't, they stayed there for as long as she needed them to..which was a while.

"You can let me go now." Dr. Dixon said, at first getting ignored by the women who deep down needed that embrace "you can let me go now!" she said once again, louder, getting apologizes from the women who let her go.

With a sigh Layla left the room, to finally get something to eat.


As Layla was gathering the fries that got left over she was approached by Arizona "there was a patient today, a little boy." she explained

"And why am I just hearing about him now?" Layla asked slightly offended, sitting down her plate of food.

Arizona sighed "You would've been a distraction today, if you were in that OR with me and I couldn't have that happen." she tried to explain as best as she could which let confusion linger on Laylas face.. which seemed to be a regular occurrence today.

"So I missed out on a chance to help save a life today, because you couldn't control yourself if I was in the OR today?" the brunette asked, the disappointment hard on her words.

Arizona nodded accepting the words because she was right. "Yes, because all day, you were on my mind, since you started working here, you've been on my mind and I don't know, you make me nervous and you cause a smile on my face every time you enter a room, and I'm sorry that you missed out on the surgery because of that." She frantically explained to the girl who stood taking in every word she said.

The fries that were now forgotten and cold sat still on the counter as Layla was trying to figure out what to say.

She took a deep breath "Arizona. I like you as much as you like me, and I feel every single thing you just said but our feelings, your feelings, shouldn't make me miss out on anything that this job can offer me." the brunette finally spoke.

Arizona stumbled on her words "Y-yeah, I know that and I'm sorry it happened, but what I'm trying to ask is for a date."

"I can't accept that. Not after missing a surgery I was supposed to scrub in for. I'm sorry." Layla said with a shake in her voice, walking away from the woman she wanted the most.

Arizona stood there, sadness lingering in her expression. She couldn't believe what just happened.


"Hey, mind if we sit here." Lexie asked a pretty brunette woman with bangs.

After Layla and Lexie ranted to each other about their day they both agreed that they needed a drink and they were going to get one.

"No, no. I'm just...overthinking." the brunette said taking a shot.

"Layla Tate." Layla stated introducing herself sitting next to her and with a smile the girl replied "Callie Torres."

"You think he'll tell him." Lexie asked the two women who shared the same look. "If he's not an idiot." Callie said

"If he's not an idiot." Layla agreed.

Callie looked sad and you could tell something was definitely wrong "are you okay." The Grey girl asked with concern. Which caused tears to swell up in her eyes "Um..I'm..I'm fine." She said  leaving the bar, with concern Layla quickly got up to go after her.

Layla didn't know Callie, at all, not in the slightest but every time someone need someone, she wanted to be there.

She followed Callie into the bathroom wanting to comfort her "I know I'm probably not the right person for this but I'm here." Layla stated to the woman who was wiping her tears away. Callie turned around with a forced smile "I'm okay." she stated again.

"No. You're not." the Tate girl said walking up to her with a sweet smile "I'm here." she said again holding her hand out towards the woman, which Callie accepted.

The two women were holding hands, maintaining eye contact which spoke a thousand words without actually speaking.

Getting caught off guard when the door opened and Arizona stood.

Arizona had too came to check on the woman who went crying to the bathroom but she wasn't expecting to see the woman who turned her down just an hour before. With a sigh of disbelief she left the bathroom.

Instantly Layla went to go after her but was pulled back into a kiss by Callie and she allowed it to happen. The kiss was great. Something Layla hasn't experienced in a long time.

Callie pulled away apologizing right after "I didn't mean-." getting cut off by Layla pulling her into another kiss.

Layla knew that this in a way was wrong but something told her that she and Callie both needed that night.

author speaks! A plottwist for my birthday...Arizona and Layla share their first fight..ending in a one night stand with someone you'd never expect.

Important info, for the sake of this fanfic Calzona does not exist! I'm sorry.

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