chapter four

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"Confusion lingering

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"Confusion lingering."

LAYLA WOKE UP IN A HOUSE SHE DIDN'T RECOGNIZE, she was sat upright and Alex was asleep on her lap, and she was now in clothes that didn't belong to her, in simple terms she was completely confused.

"Ugh, wake up, Alex." she groaned, hitting his chest, earning a similar grunt "get up!" she hit him again, this time, harder. "stop hitting me!" he complained sitting up, slumping against her shoulder.

"Where am I and what am I wearing?" the brunette asked with a yawn escaping her pink lips, the tiredness still lingering in her eyes.

"You're at my house, hi" a blonde said coming into the room with two cups of coffee "I'm Meredith."

"Oh god, how'd I end up here?" Layla asked with genuine concern laced with her words, accepting the hot cup of coffee she was offered.

"Well, Alex stumbled in here pulling you along with him." she explained, sitting on the coffee table in-front of the barely awake Layla and the currently passed out Alex.

Layla cringed at the thought of stumbling in with her best friend, completely out of their minds drunk. "I'm sorry, I hope we didn't wake you." the brunette instantly apologized, earning a chuckle from Meredith "not at all."

"It is nice to officially meet you, Alex talks about you all the time, he always has since intern year and that was 3 years ago." Meredith stated talking a sip of her coffee with a smile.

"Really?" Layla asked genuinely, she didn't think she'd be on his mind after all these years, it felt good to know that he talked about her, it made her feel important.

The Grey woman nodded "Really." she looked over towards the clock with a shocked expression "We're going to be late." she pointed out, making Laylas head shoot up to where the clock was with the same expression "Definitely going to be late" she agreed.


"You look like shit." Mark said walking up to Layla with a huge smile on his face "oh, screw you." the brunette sarcastically smiled flipping him off.

"I do screw me." he joked with a wink causing Layla to gag "I didn't need to know that you keep that to yourself." she said patting him on the back. He laughed "are you sure you're only on Arizona's service." he asked with a begging voice.

Mark missed Layla being on his service she was great at doing charts, caring for patients, and not to mention had a good given talent in skin grafts.

"Awh, do you miss me?" She asked teasingly, he nodded proudly "very much so." he stated causing the Tate girl to laugh "that's too bad, Marky!" she smiled walking away from the man.

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