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His Smile Remains

Even when I push you far away,
Your smile still shines like brightest day.
Those dimples that crease your cheeks,
Make my heart flutter, leave me meek.

Though we've drifted to separate shores,
And our love seems forevermore,
When your lips curve in that cute grin,
My soul is set ablaze within.

You laugh through the pain I cause,
Persisting without a pause.
Your joy breaks through my stern facade,
Leaving me helpless before your charade.

I feign indifference, act all cold,
But that smile unlocks my heart's stronghold.
No matter how much I push and shove,
I cannot deny, it's your smile I love.

This bond we share, for better or worse,
Your grin is the key that unlocks its verse.
Though apart, though torn, though asunder,
Your smile remains, and I'm struck with wonder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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