11. Red and Rose.

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"In the depths of chaos, we discovered our truth. Red and Rose, intertwined in fate's unforgiving grip."

Double update so make sure to read the chapter before this one! 

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Double update so make sure to read the chapter before this one! 


Turning their heads towards Jimin and Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't help but break into admiring smiles at the sight of the other two boys. Jimin and Yoongi were completely lost in the music, jumping and dancing with unbridled enthusiasm, their infectious energy filling the air and spreading joy to those around them..

But their moment of joy was abruptly interrupted as the music came to an unexpected halt, plunging the entire area into sudden darkness. For a fleeting moment, everything felt eerily quiet and still, as if time itself had momentarily frozen. Then, chaos erupted as people began shouting and pushing, their voices drowned out by the confusion and panic that ensued. Unable to see anything in the darkness, the crowd surged forward in a frantic attempt to find their way out, their sense of disorientation adding to the chaos of the moment.

"FIRE!" Someone screamed, sending waves of panic rippling through the crowd. All eyes turned towards the stage, where flames erupted from the top, quickly spreading and engulfing a large portion of the structure. The fireworks that had been part of the performance between songs now seemed to have ignited the stage, transforming the once lively atmosphere into one of fear and chaos. The danger of the situation became all too real as the fire rapidly consumed everything in its path, leaving everyone in a state of shock and uncertainty.

"FUCK!" Jungkook cursed loudly, his heart pounding in his chest as the chaos intensified around him. With the crowd pushing and shoving in every direction, and the fire spreading at an alarming rate, his mind raced with panic. But amidst the chaos, his eyes landed on Jimin, Yoongi, and Taehyung, and a surge of determination washed over him. He knew he had to get them out of harm's ways, he needs to get them out!

"Let's go!" Jungkook shouted, his grip tight on Jimin's hand as he turned to reach for Taehyung's hand. But as he looked at Taehyung, he froze in disbelief. The younger boy stood there, his eyes wide, his mismatch eyes are daring the fire to come closer.

"TAEHYUNG, LETS GO!!" Jungkook urged, reaching out to grab his wrist, but Taehyung remained rooted to the spot, his gaze fixated on the flames, unmoving and unyielding. Panic surged through Jungkook as he struggled to pull Taehyung away from the danger, his heart pounding with fear for his safety.

Jungkook watched in shock as Taehyung's eyes filled with tears, his cries echoing with anguish and confusion. His heart clenched as he listened to Taehyung's frantic shouts, the words tumbling out in a jumble of pain and fear.

"Burns! Burns! Everything! Same, Nini! N-No, take me! Ah! No, no, Nini! Hurts, hurts!!" Nothing made sense to Jungkook as he struggled to comprehend Taehyung's desperate pleas. It was as if Taehyung was reliving a traumatic experience, his words a haunting echo of past pain and suffering. With a sinking feeling in his chest, Jungkook realized that whatever demons Taehyung was battling, they were consuming him in that moment, leaving him trapped in a nightmare from which he couldn't escape.

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