A nice surprise

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After every footstep he took accompanied by his parents' ones, Mun could hear the joyful music and could smell the various snacks like cotton candy, popcorn or corn dogs. He could smell them so well that he practically could taste them. He started to see people, walking in the same direction as his, being excited and talking about what rides they would do or what prizes they'd try to win at claw machines. "You're ready, my angel?" Mun's mom asked while looking at her son. He smiled and nodded excitedly, humming a "mhm!".

After a few games and rides, Mun and his parents went to queue for the food the little boy had insisted for, and with his natural stubborn personality and his cute round child eyes, he obviously convinced his parents pretty easily. The two adults took ice cream while Mun got cotton candy.

"That's a lot!" The little boy gasped and started eating it.

From the corner of his eye, Mun noticed a girl, probably slightly older than him, talking with her parents. "Mom, dad," she asked, "why can't I get just one cotton candy?". Her dad crouched to meet her gaze, the mom couldn't do the same due to a visible pregnancy. "Darling, I'm so sorry but we can't do a last ride and take a snack, you'll have to choose between only one of them," the girl's dad spoke softly. The latter looked at the ground, disappointed.

The girl looked up to see the boy with a big cotton candy stick looking at her. "Here," Mun handed it to her. "We can share if you want, I don't mind!"
He noticed the girl's sparkling black eyes and her growing black hair. She was really pretty.
Mun looked back at his parents, who nodded proudly.  The girl looked at her own parents as they tried to decline politely. "Take a some, it's okay!" Mun insisted.

She finally reached out to rip a piece of cotton candy, then she ate it. "It's... Really sweet. But tasty." She smiled as her cheeks got red.

The girl's dad smiled with her. "Little boy, you're very mature! Thank you for sharing with our daughter."
Mun bowed politely. "Th-thank you, mister."

The girl looked down at her feet. "Mom, dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be selfish."
Then, turned to Mun. "Next time we meet, I'll treat you to something."

"Deal! Promise me!" Mun giggled, handing out his pinky.


"Where are we going exactly?" Hana asked for the fifth time as the counters were all in the car, Motak driving. The older man sighed. "What are you, a kid? You sound like how Mun acted like when he first became a counter."
Hana made a fake puking sound. "That is NOT nice!" She looked at Mun as he was lifting an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" He squinted his eyes.
Hana just smirked and looked back in front of her, although she couldn't really escape the offended young man because they were sitting next to each other in the back, accompanied by Jeokbong.

"Hey," Mun gently shoved Hana. "Was I that immature back then?"
"Well, yes," the woman answered confidently. Mun repeated her answer in a mocking mutter.

"Anyways," Mun sighed as if he could let his frustration out of his lungs, "Motak, seriously, where are we goin–" "If ANY of you ask me that again, we'll go back home."


The car ride was quite long. Mun nearly dozed off while watching the endless trees along the road. But something kept him well awake. He kept looking back at Hana who was napping with her head leaned on her chair.

If only there was a roundabout or a turning road, something that would make her head fall gently onto his shoulder.

But Mun realised soon enough that he in fact did not need anything for her to move, because only a few moments after his wish, Hana moved and accidentally rested her head onto his shoulder.

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