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AN- Pretend Red Bull is not toxic. It works better for the story🩷

We had arrived at the police station and I was just sitting in one of their integration rooms. This was not when I had in mind when I went street racing tonight. The worst part though- there gonna find wads of cash in my car, so there goes me having a life.

"Mrs Bailey" I hear someone say as the open the door. The person who can in was an adult male. He came and sat at the seat across from mine. Two police officers also came in with him. I get that I did something illegal but how dangerous do they really think I am? I nod my head back at him. If there was one thing my parents did teach me, it was to stay quiet when in trouble.

"It has come to my attention that you are street racing illegaly" he says and I nod my head back "and at the age of just turning 16" he says back and I nod my head "so that's what, up to a year in jail, but we also haven't even started in all of the illegal money you have been winning" he says while staring deep into my soul. When he puts it like that, now I'm scared, I really don't want to go to jail. "do you really want to go to jail at 16" he adds on

"No sir" I say and I look at the floor.

"Well good thing I have another option for you" he says and I look up at him. Now I'm intrigued.
"A formula one team has taken a liking to you and your driving skills and they want to know if they would be interested in driving for them" he adds. A formula one team, I don't know what that is but that's what Andy is always talking about about.

"Would I still go to jail" I ask. If he says no, then I have to take this deal, I can't go to jail.

"Here's the thing" he says. "All charges on you would be dropped" I smile at this "but you would basically on a prohibition, no drinking, drugs, betting, or street racing. I can give you time to think about it" he says and he stands up from his seat.

"I'll do it" I say back, no second thoughts. I have to do this. I would get away from my parents, get my charges dropped, and maybe I could start a new better life. The man smiles at me.

"Good" he says and walks back over to me. He puts his hand out for me to shake it, I shake it back. "I'm Christian Horner, and I'm the head of Red Bull racing" he adds. Does this mean that he's my boss. I probably made the worst impression on him ever, which my crop top and getting litteraly arrewsted.

"Annie Bailey" I say back, acting like I didn't just get headshots of me taken moments ago.

"Don't worry I know who you are. And I think you're gonna make a great addition to the team."

"So what do we do know" I say back, he smiles and comes back to sit across from me.

"Well, we are currently getting you approved by the FIA becuase you are 16 (pretend it's fine), but tommrow me and you are taking a plane to the Uk so that we can train you to be ready to drive in your first race soon"

"Soon?" I say back

"A week" he says. I give him a look.

"You're joking, I don't even know what a formula one car looks like" He laughs at me. I can tell where gonna have either a really good relationship or a really bad one.

"You will be fine, you seem like a natural talent and we need you soon becuase one of our drivers is injured and out for the rest of the season" he says.

"Okay" I say and we look at eachother. What am I getting myself into. "Can you uncuff me please" I ask and I raise up my hands so he can see them. He just laughs at me again.

"No I can't but let's get them off so that you can go and pack your stuff so we make this flight tommrow he says and he stands up. I stand up with him. He walks out of the door as the police officers watch us. I follow after him and we all walk to the front desk. Once we get there Horner goes to the man at the front desk. "We're ready to go" he says and the man at the desk nods his head.

"Joey, come get these girls cuffs off so they can leave" the man at the front desk says. Next thing I know my good friend Joey walks in the door way. Joey has knwo me for a while as my parents are bad drug addicts and get the cops called on them a lot. And it just so happens to be that Joey is always the one that answers the call.

"Joey" I say and smile at him as I pit my hands up so he can uncuff me. Horner looks at us with a face of confusion.

"If it isn't Mrs Annie Bailey" he says and he starts to uncuff me. "Now you stay safe out there and integer yourself into anymore trouble"
He says. I smile at him and nod my head.

"You ready to go" Horner says and I nod my head

Annie BaileyWhere stories live. Discover now