A Day is All it Takes (Chapter One)

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Chapter one.
A Day is All it Takes.


No one's POV:


   It was a normal day in the solar system. At least, that's what they thought. Little could they ever know the horrors lurking beyond the Kuiper belt.

   The Iris. A planet that was looking for a host planet for its "experiments" and fortunately for Iris, and unfortunately for the solar system, it found that host.


Neptune's POV:


   I was playing with Guillermo in my orbit, talking and playing as we usually do. Normally I would play with Uranus but he was busy with... Uh... I forgot who. I think it was the planet with the rings...? All of a sudden I feel like I'm being watched... Weird. It might be an asteroid friend that wants to play! I should go see!

The Iris's POV:


   I was observing a blue planet that was slightly smaller than me. I heard the planet talking to someone. That's not good. I decided to try and see who he was talking to only to find he was...talking to an... Asteroid. This planet isn't sane, that just means it's easier to- Wait. Is he coming in my direction? That won't do. That won't do at all. Oh well... I'll just have to carry my plan out sooner than I thought.

No one's POV:


   Neptune approaches where The Iris is and eventually spots the rotten orange. Neptune, being Neptune... He immediately goes up to The Iris and and talks to it like a friend.

   "Hiya! Are you a new planet? I haven't seen you around- Wait... Are you... An invader from another solar system??" Neptune says in an over excited tone.

   Because of Neptune's unexpected tone and unexpected questions, The Iris stays silent for a few moments, trying to think of a good answer.

   "No... No... I am nowhere near an... "invader" I am simply a new planet." The Iris said, lying. Neptune however, didn't understand the weird way The Iris had replied. And instead found it cool.

   "Oh wow a new planet! That's so exciting!! Wait... Do you... Have a third eye? That's... " Neptune paused for a moment trying to find the right word for it. The Iris however, frooze, slightly scared for Neptune's reaction. Not that it mattered though The Iris could easily kill Neptune right here and now. Eventually Neptune found the right word.

   "That's...so cool!! How does it feel to have a third eye???? Do you see differently than I do???" Neptune said, the words hardly audible because of how fast he was saying them. The Iris completely ignored the questions and asked one of it's own.

   "I have a question for you. Are there any... Other celestial bodies here in this place (the Kuiper belt) that I should know about?" The Iris said, only asking the question to make sure it wouldn't get caught if  it eventually decided to kill Neptune and leave his rotting corpse where it was.

   "Not that I can remember... Oh! Wait! I think... There was a dwarf planet somewhere farther out in here... I'm not sure. My memory isn't the best!" Neptune said, not even wondering why his new "friend" asked that question that would be suspicious to anyone else.

   Neptune then suddenly decided to go check to see if Uranus wasn't busy anymore.

   "I'm gonna go now! Goodbye new friend!"

   As Neptune said that, The Iris took Neptune's words as an excuse to go tell someone about him. The Iris couldn't let that happen.


  Uranus's POV:


   Saturn and I were hanging out. I actually liked hanging out with him instead of with Neptune all day. I mean... Don't get me wrong... Neptune is fun to hang out with... Sometimes... But his orbit has made him go so insane that its nearly impossible to have a normal conversation with him! And I know it's not his fault for having such a long orbit but-


   Both me and Saturn froze. That scream... Sounded like Neptune. This couldn't be good.

   "I'm going to check that out... That scream sounded like Neptune. Are you coming with me or staying here mate?" I said, deciding to offer Saturn to come with me incase he wanted to. Which I doubt.

   "I'm coming with you. I don't want you to get hurt either so it's better to go in together." Saturn said, surprising me. I thought he would stay behind. GAH! STOP GETTING OFF TOPIC! NEPTUNE MIGHT BE IN DANGER AND YOUR JUST STANDING AROUND!

   No one's POV:


   And so, both Saturn and Uranus went off into the Kuiper belt in search of Neptune.


(766 words)

A Series of "Mishaps."// Solarballs+GHE //Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora