Game and consequence

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Kira: What did you say?

Blackwell: Lockhart has one more spy in my company. And it could be anyone

Kira: Any idea who?

Blackwell: No, but I know how I can start narrowing it down

The sounds of footsteps echo down the corridor as Lockhart's guards close in

Blackwell: It's time to go

Blackwell grabs her hand with a confident grip.

Blackwell: I spotted a backdoor route we can take. Come on!

It's close, but the two of them are able to give Lockhart's guards the slip.

Blackwell lets out a curse as the two of them make it safely back outside.

Blackwell: Another spy..
There are close to a hundred people in my employ,  and the two most likely suspects have already been outed

Kira: Blaire and Mason

Blackwell: Whoever this is, they are smarter than either Blaire or Mason

Kira: We will find them

However before Blackwell can respond, the two of them are interrupted by the ringing of Kira's phone.

Kira (on the phone): Hey, Ethel, is everything ok?

Ethel: It's Tommy. I just... well, we could really use your help here

Kira: I will be right here

Kira doesn't need to explain the situation to Blackwell, he merely gives her a nod as she hangs up the call.

Blackwell: Let's move

The mood in the orphanage is gloomy as Kira and Blackwell make their way inside, Tommy nowhere to be seen.

Ethel: Kira! And Mr. Blackwell, Sir. Thank you both for coming

Kira: Ethel, is Tommy ok?

Ethel: Physically, yet, but emotionally...
For a long time, Tommy's best friend here was a bit named Milo. The two of them were inseparable. The other day though, Milo was adopted

Kira: Isn't that good news?

Blackwell: Not if it means Tommy's left behind. Or at least, I'm sure that's how Tommy feels. It can be hard losing your only friend in a place like this

Ethel: He hasn't left his room since it happened. He's even been refusing meals. I'm worried about him, but he always seems to love your visits so much...

Kira: We will have a talk with him

Ethel: Thank you. Really

Tommy is laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling as the two of them enter.

Kira: Tommy, how are you doing?

Tommy: I'm really sad. I know I should be happy for Milo, I just...

Blackwell: You miss your friend

Tommy: It's just really hard. I don't have a family, not a real one but for a while it felt like maybe Milo was my family.
But now he's gone, and I'm all alone again

Kira and Blackwell kneel down to move closer to Tommy.

Tommy: I just...I don't know what to do

Kira: A friend who goes away is always hard, and I know that, but it's important to realise you're not all alone

Blackwell: For one, Milo's not gone forever. I'm sure he will visit

Tommy: You think?

Blackwell: We can help get you his new parents address. Then you can send him letters whenever you want

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