Day 1

16 1 0

Michael's POV:

I'm going about my day when I suddenly get a phone call from a random number, I don't recognize it. I answer,
"Hello?" I say
"Oh, yeah, hi, I'm Andrew!" The voice says, it's definitely male, probably a similar age to me. The voice continues,
"I understand you're Jessica's ex-boyfriend, Michael? I'm her current, well, I hope to be, her current boyfriend."
"Huh?" I'm confused. "Yes, I dated Jessica but what are you talking about?" I reply.

I dated Jessica for quite some time, it was a fun time, we broke up though, a few months ago.

I broke up with her, I just wasn't really interested anymore? She was very sweet and loving, great in bed, to say the least - but I didn't love her. I'm pretty sure I'm gay, but I could probably never come out - I have an image to maintain! People see me as so masculine, hot, ripped, etc. Still, I do want to be with a man some day.

Andrew continues, "Jessica told me it wasn't really working out, when I asked why she said she very much loved me romantically but I didn't satisfy her during sex. She said, frankly, she misses the way her ex-boyfriend used to make her feel."

Jess said that?

I keep listening, as he keeps talking, "I told her to give me a chance, and to give me just a week. She agreed to make love a week from today, and she'll take me back if I improve! But there really isn't any way to improve, without learning, I guess? The point is that I was hoping if you could sort of tutor me, but on sex - you know what Jessica likes after all. I was thinking we could call, or meet up, and you could teach me, you know... yeah, tips!"


I was about to decline the offer before I thought about it. This guy is desperate for his girlfriend, maybe I could take advantage of the situation? This could be my chance to experiment with a guy, without even him knowing! If I just say this is apart of the lessons, he'll have no choice - this could be fun..

"Um, sure! You can come over to my house and we'll do the first lesson bro. I texted you my address." I say.

"Thank you, I'll come over later today! Does 5 o'clock work for you? I have my last chance with her a week from today so I only have today, and Tuesday-Sunday." Andrew replies, cheerfully.

"Five works out fine, see ya." I go to hang up. He fits in a cute, little, 'bye' - awe.

Now I have my plan, I can't help having little slight fantasies about me and him. I mean, his voice does sound cute. And, it's only two hours until I get to see him. I look at my phone,

Time skip: One hour and 45 minutes pass

I check the time, It's 17:00 now, Andrew is going to come any minute. Then, I get a text from him, saying he's here. Yay! I open my front door and sure enough he's there, and oh my gosh.

Can I just say he's so hot? I'm pretty average height but he towers over me. His hair is brown, slightly long, and ruffled. It definitely suits him. He has clear skin, so innocent yet so masculine. So pure yet so sexy. He rubs the back of his neck, which I take as him being shy, so I naturally initiate the conversation.

"Hey bro, how's it going?" I exclaim, trying to sound as friendly as possible.
"Uhm, hi." He replied. Damn, he is a shy one.
"Sooo, can I get you anything or do you wanna get right into the lesson?" I ask, dragging him to my kitchen anyway  - complimentary snacks and drinks on me . We chat for a bit and by a bit, I mean a while.

I learn a lot about him, and his personality is just as attractive as his appearance. However, when there seems to be no new topics to talk about, I figure I should initiate what he came here for,
"Hey, should we start the lessons now?" I ask him.
"Uh yeah, we can start now." He agrees.

I grab his hand and practically drag him up the stairs, damn he's kinda easy to drag, despite being a literal giraffe, who was kinda ripped to be honest.

We reached my room and I ushered him to sit down on the bed, and I quickly sat in the spot next to him. Andrew sat down and spoke first, "Uhm so do you have a girl here for me to practice with? If yes, I brought some of Jessica's clothes so the girl could feel like Jess."

"We can put that to the side for now." I replied, gently releasing the bag of clothes from his hands. I continue, "and there's no girl here to practice on - you're going to be practicing with me. For the first part of this lesson I just want to see how you kiss."

"W-what?! K-kiss a guy? I can't kiss a guy!" He exclaimed. Tch.

I put my arm around him to try and get him to calm down, "relax bro, no homo. I just need to see how you are so I can help you, k? I won't tell anyone about this so be as vulnerable as you can, so you can improve quickly~!" I end the sentence in a more positive, cheery way.

"Yeah, y-yeah, you're right. Hey.." He stares directly at me, "hey, thanks for doing this bro." He says. Awe.

"No worries," I reply nonchalantly. "Now shall we give making out a try." I say in more of a statement-way than a question-way. As we both stand up, I figure I should give Andrew some pointers.

"Don't overthink, k? Jess likes a kiss with tongue, which you should initiate by biting her lip or swiping your tongue over her lips, asking for access to her mouth. Your hands should also be free, roam, explore, her body - or in this case, my body.

You should go overboard when we practice so it's more natural when you're with Jess, alright?"

He nods after intently listening to my guide, "Pretend I'm Jess alright? Let's start." I instruct.

I pulls him closer to me, putting his hands on my hips, and he has to slightly lean down so our lips can finally connect. I close my eyes, and we start to kiss. We keep a steady rhythm, and it's a nice kiss. Our mouths are synced in a way that feels natural. We start to pick up the pace, and the kiss gets more heated and passionate, for someone who was supposedly bad at this, he was amazing. I feel Andrew grope my ass and I moan into the kiss, pressing up against him even more.

Andrew's POV

I know I was just supposed to kiss him but this feels right. My hands go from Michael's hips to his ass and I take a handful of it in my hands, squeezing it. I've probably overstepped a boundary, I should stop. But my body cannot listen to my brain right now. Michael moans and I seize this opportunity to insert my tongue into his mouth, I can feel his body closer to me. Our tongues swirl around each others and I taste every nook and cranny of his mouth, he tastes sweet, but a seductive kind of sweet.

A taste that makes you want more.

I pull away, feeling embarrassed. I got carried away, what if he thinks I'm gay? I'm not! And he would totally think bad of me!

"I-i'm sorry, I got a little carried away, I-i-i should go." I say
"Don't apologise, it's fi-" Michael starts to console me but I run out of the room before he can finish. I efficiently make my way out of his house and start running as far as I can, away from his house.

Eventually, I catch the bus back to my house. And I think about what I just did.

I made out with another guy.

I don't think I can ever face Michael again, but what's so bad about it if I'm straight? Unless I'm not..?

No! No, I totally am! I'm doing this for Jess.

My thoughts are scattered and I just try to go to bed, but I can't. The thought of Michael is running around my head.


(1433 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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