Chapter 2

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It baffled me that the man, whom I'm assuming is our teacher was currently lying on the floor in a sleeping bag. Looking like he hadn't slept in decades, it must've been a side effect of his quirk.

The man had garnered our attention as he crept from the confines of that sleeping bag. Now that he didn't look like a giant banana with a face, it appeared that he seemed serious but laid back at the same time. In America we'd call him a stoner, although it was a loose term. Not all people who looked like that, smoked illegal drugs.

"You're Eraserhead!" Izuku went all fan boy again as he began shouting out unique fighting styles that the hero uses. Along with explaining and breaking down his quirk. Our teacher has the ability to temporarily disable people's quirks as long as he keeps his eyes open. Which explained the tired droopy eyed expression written on the man's face.

"DEKU QUIT FREAKING OUT! YOU STUPID NERD YOU'RE MAKING US ALL LOOK BAD!" The boy behind me screams glaring at the hyperactive boy in the seat behind him. The outburst gave off the expression of an explosion blasting.

Izuku stopped mid sentence before turning to look at the boy, a hint of redness dusted his cheeks "Um sorry Kacchan, I'm just excited," he replied before taking his seat. A girl with short brown hair was looking at the excited boy with a smile on her face. A giggle escaped my lips, before I turned my attention back to the teacher.

"Welcome Class-1A, my name is Shota Aizawa and I'll be your teacher. Today we will be seeing how adequately you can utilize your quirks. If you fail today's lesson I'll expel you," Mr Aizawa introduced himself whilst going over the lesson.

My eyes widened once more as I turned to the already scrunched eyes of Shoto, who was already looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders, not sure if Aizawa was being serious or not. Surely he wouldn't expel us on our first day.

One by one we all got up and followed behind our teacher. This guy could definitely give Todaroki a run for his money in the mysterious factor.

"Hi, I'm Ochako. My quirk is zero gravity. I'm happy to be able to share a class with you. Your mother is one of my favorite heroes. Your Japanese is great by the way," the short brown haired girl who was smiling at Izuku a moment ago says, walking to my right.

Todoroki had already taken his usual spot on my left, walking quietly next to us. Looking around at the other students, almost like he was assessing them. Keeping tabs to use against them in times where he'd need to outsmart them during training.

"I'm Andrea, but I guess some already knew that. Thanks, although I've learned Japanese alongside English I'm more adept at English, it being my first language and all. But I can also speak French. My quirks are Earth and Weather manipulation from my mother, Chlorophyll and mending from my father. And my personal quirk is called Skill Split," I replied, proud of myself for engaging in a conversation with someone who wasn't family or Shoto.

"Skill Split, what's that I've never heard of it," Izuku says turning around slightly from the spot where he stood. By this point we were all outside, standing on what looked like a baseball pitch.

"Show them Drea," Shoto encourages, since it was better than explaining it. I nodded before stepping away, I could feel the whole class watching me, along with Aizawa.

Once my quirk was activated I quickly grabbed the index finger on my right hand, detaching it from my body. With a smirk I threw it on the ground where it quickly formed into another me. A clone if you will, one that was of its own sound mind and could act on its own accord with basic commands from me.

"I can make clones of myself by detaching limbs and throwing them on the ground. Each clone will function fully with a few commands, but I can only create five on my own. And assign each of them one of my quirks or have them all use the same one. The one who has this quirk active can essentially create five more clones and so forth. However it's best suited for defensive fighting because of this," I explained and Shoto touched the clone making it dissolve as my finger rejoined with my body. "Oh it also leaves me down a limb until they're all destroyed." I added feeling my cheeks get red as they all looked at me in awe.

"Woah that's amazing!" Izuku says waving his arms about once more. I had the feeling he'd be doing that alot, just hopefully not in a real battle.

"Wow the pretty girl can make more versions of herself. That's the best thing ever, so many pretty girls," a tiny kid with purple grape things on his head states, making me slightly uncomfortable as I noticed a look that resembled lust in his eyes.

Getting seriously creeped out, I shuffled closer to Shoto as the hot headed kid who sits behind me, growls menacingly.

"QUIT BEING A PERV YOU LUMPY GRAPE HEAD!" He screamed causing the other boy to flinch from the outburst. Did that mean kid just defend me.....Sort of?

"Alright class now is where you put those quirks to the test with these simple exercises," Aizawa states, regaining our attention, we all quickly changed into our gym clothes before returning to the field.

Turns out these exercises were simple. For the running one I produced wind from my hands and flew across the line at an impressive 1.2 seconds. Which happened to be the fastest time within the whole class. I had even managed to beat Shoto, who didn't seem upset about it as he gave a proud thumbs up.

The next thing we had to do was launch a softball using our quirk, and from there we could find ways to improve how to make it go further. It was amazing watching everyone throw. I'd managed to throw mine just short of the hot head. Who I learned, is named Katsuki Bakugo.

I found his quirk interesting, and the fact it was an explosion type one really made sense. Totally matched his personality.

Lastly it was Izuku's second turn to throw, his first attempt didn't really go that well and he'd barely threw the ball, he seemed to put alot of power behind this throw.

At the last second he flicked his finger and shot the ball even farther than Katsuki had. I also noticed his finger was broken.

"It's like he doesn't know how to use his own quirk," Shoto whispered beside me watching the boy, seeming curious and intrigued.

"If it's a power type fighting style one then he probably never had anyone to train him how to wield it better," I thought looking up at him for a second before walking over to the injured boy.

"Oh hey Andrea, you did good in those exercises," the boy mumbled with flushed cheeks, scratching the back of his head. This boy seemed too precious for this world.

"You didn't do too bad either. Some quirks are just harder to control over others," I replied offering him a smile "Would you like me to fix that, I'm sure you don't want to be coddled by Recovery Girl."

"Oh sure," he says sheepishly holding out his hand.

I lifted my hand hovering it over the broken finger. A blue glow seeped from my palm and with a pop the bone was healed, it also had little pain.

"Thanks Andrea," he says moving the finger, testing it out.

"Please call me Drea," I replied as I began walking back to Shoto, that's when all hell seemed to break loose......

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