🔞Smut🔞-🖤🤍Otto x Tit: Stressed

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Yay! More smut!

Also Tit is aged up, because it is god damn weird for a grown man to fuck a 14 year old

🔞Caution🔞: sex toys, kinky shit??, cussing (as you see), costume 


Tit Pov:

Otto has been really stressed lately, with all the dumb shit with Kye and work. I miss him, and I want to make him feel better. So, I have a plan, a dirty one. I went to Lay and Kan (bottom buddies) and discussed this. Of course, they didn't come up with anything, since their partners were entirely different. I just decided to wear my favorite outfit and go for it!

I appeared at Otto's office, my outfit was a tight black body suit, but the bottom was a skirt, and really short. I really hoped this would turn him on.

"Hi baby~"

Bitch didn't even look up!

"You been real stressed lately, I can make you feel better~"

"Tit, are you okay? Why are you acting like-"

God damn, he finally looked up from his fucking paper. What was so interesting about that?

"W-what are you wearing?"


"I-I mean yeah . . ."

"Well~? Do you want me or not~?"

"I'm still confused."

Fuck this bitch. I go up to him and sit on his lap. I start grinding on his hard, he literally is doing nothing, just blushing. I take his hand, up to our shared bedroom. I drop on the bed, and bring him down on me, kissing roughly. Otto finally gets the message, and starts taking control. After about five minutes, he moves to my neck, I stretch it as much as possible for him to bite every corner. He quickens his pace, removing his clothes and my underwear. I guess Otto likes the costume.

Otto sticks his fingers in me, and when Lay told me this, he wasn't kidding, it felt so god damn weird, but so good at the same time. When Otto removed his fingers, I instinctively whimpered. Otto smirked.

"Don't worry, you'll have a better feeling soon~"

Is he trying to seduce me? Well, it's working. I blush and moan, wanting to have something in me already. I feel his dick in me, and the sudden feeling of being full, made me almost scream. Otto started thrusting, not slow or gentle, yeah, he thrusted as fast and hard as he could. I was screaming his name and cuss words, but I couldn't help it, it felt good.

I wanted to cum so bad, but I couldn't form words. I kept scratching his back, and I think he got the idea. I felt him release in me, and soon after I released. I drifted off. I think he washed me off and put me in bed though. 

(We love aftercare)


Done. Yay!

Now to make smut better, the next chapter is angst! 😃

Buh Bye!!

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