"Now that was just uncalled for-"

"As is your cunning."


I was sprinting through the trees, gritting my teeth as I prayed I made in time.

How could I forget!? He's one of the most important people who'll be an amazing ally in the future! I can't allow him to die!

As soon as I put Kagaya to rest, I left the Meeting House, set fifteen kakushi and twenty slayers on guard, and left the mansion at top speed. My black locks fluttered in the wind, blowing back against my head from my speed.


"He's delivering a letter for Sakonji right now. He replied." Katari said, flying behind me.

"Shit. Kita?" I called up to the crow high above us.

"I'm not seein-"

"(Y/n)! Four hundred feet south-east! They're right there!" Koma shouted, winging in from the said direction.

I applied all my strength into my legs as I bolted south-east.

Let me get there in time! Please! I'm sorry I forgot but I'll make up for it! Just let me get there in time-!


There was a slightly destroyed village with a few crumbled households, but most of it was empty, and there was a frightful fight going on. Some civilians were trapped under some debris and still trying to get out. I ran through, getting closer and closer to the shouts before I came across the scene I was looking for.

Masachika Kumeno defending Sanemi Shinazugawa who wasn't able to keep up with the Lower Moon One's strikes.

I sprinted over, snatching both boys away before Ubume could react. I set both boys on the ground gentle and examined them.

Good. I got here before she could give him fatal damage. He's still losing a lot of blood. I need more help. Sanemi had a few deep cuts, and I was pretty sure some of them were from luring Ubume with his marechi blood. Both boys were staring at me in shock, and I looked up, ignoring them for a second.

"Kita! Send for my team!"

"Understood!" Kita called before turning veering away.

"You," I said to Masachika. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

He squinted at my four fingers.

"Four." He said confidently.

"Good." I said, looking around before grabbing a discarded towel among the wreckage of a washroom. "Apply as much pressure to your wound as you can." He nodded, accepting the towel as I turned to Sanemi. "Can you still fight?"

He gave me a determined nod of his head.

"Good. Keep her busy. There's still civilians here that need help."

I stood before turning and running back to the chaos I saw earlier. I lifted entire house walls, grunting as I did so to let a pair of women out and tried to evacuate as many people as possible.

I don't recall how long it took Sanemi to defeat Lower Moon One, but I don't want to risk more deaths right now.

"Are you alright?" I asked a man, lifting a stall off of him.

"My leg . . . "

"Lady (Y/n)!"

I turned as my team of ten kakushi came running up.

"Good, you're here. Hisashi, come with me. Everyone else, split up and take care of the wounded." I ordered. "Mostly everyone's evacuated, but whoever's left, get them out. You know the drill, keep the story."

As annoying as it was, the government still didn't recognize the Demon Slayer Corps. It was stupid. The one judge who had helped us free Gyomei recognized us, and helped us when he could, but his power was limited.

"Hisashi, come." I said.

I led my first kakushi to Masachika, who looked a little faint, but sat up alertly as we approached. I left the two there before looking around to track Sanemi and help out if needed.

But the fight was already over.

The boy came limping in from down the narrow and destroyed street, no doubt leaving a demon's body to ash away. I hurried over to help him lean on me and guide him over.

"Any other injuries? Broken bones?" I said, looking down at his foot. "Twisted ankle?"

"Broken." He huffed with a nod.

"Alright." I said, lifting him a bit more. "You'll be okay."

This was how Sanemi became a Hashira. Because he defeated Lower Moon One Ubume. And Masachika's alive. Or will be. As long as his injuries aren't fatal.

"Thank goodness I arrived in time."

I smiled at the two boys.

"I'm Rumi (Y/n) Shinoyama. Please call me (Y/n)."






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