A beautiful love

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I felt it clearly this time. Although we have been separated quite a few times already, I never experienced this amount of pain and hollow feelings of loneliness. A dark place in me that was filled with your presence, with your touch and with your voice that says "you are save here. I love you. I will always be there for you." Suddenly that light, which covered this dark place, disappeared. Like a Star I watched you step into the train and drive off just like a shooting star in the dark night sky. A shooting star so bright that it puts the sun in its shadow, a shooting star so bright that it lights up the whole cosmos with itˋs pure cheerfulness. My mind stepped in this room, looking throught the window of it, watching this star fly away. And even when it was nowhere to be seen I still looked in itˋs direction where it has just disapeared. I sat down. Thinking about the next time, I would be able to look in your eyes, losing myself in its glance and perfectness. I closed my eyes. You stood infront of me. Your brown hair was flying in the warm spring wind, in the eyes of yours I catched a reflection of me. I looked complete. Your mouth only said one word which I will never forget. It said "home".Your arms were wide open, waiting for me to come closer and to pull me closer to you. But I just stood there without any motion nor movement of any body part. The only thing moving were my tears. Rolling down my cheeks, they represented how I was feeling. I was always missing something but for the first time in my life, I was complete. A waterfall of emotions rushed into my heart with each step I slowly began taking in your direction. But just as I was able to feel your warmth and your love, I woke up in this dark room realising, that you are not there. I guess I have to wait for the next time...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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