Chapter 22

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Neil cheerfully raced to his car and started to hum a song. When he thought back to his time with Avni in the restaurant, a broad smile kept spreading across his lips.

Starting the engine, he drove the vehicle out of the parking lot.

As he drove away from the restaurant where he had spent his evening with her, he couldn't help but think of Avni. He remembered how she was laughing at his jokes and how he would to tell her stories about his job. He would feel happy when he heard her talk about her work. The way her eyes would light up as she talked about subjects close to her heart.

Neil halted at the traffic light and observed the red light. He smiled, leaning his head against the headrest pillow and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

With Avni's laugh echoing in his ears, Neil closed his eyes. Still, his thoughts returned to the good times he shared with her.
Avni has acted as Neil's personal guide ever since their initial interactions. She took him by surprise when she arrived in Shimla and showed him how to cook while he prepared her breakfast. Her presence helped him cherish every day of their adventures together, including their time spent watching the sunset together and their bantering afterward. Her great coffee gave him energy that he couldn't get from anywhere else. how she would inspire himself to do better.There was only one name that made his entire body tingle, and with just a glance it could quicken his heartbeat. Someone he could call his own, someone whose mere presence could make him feel alive. An individual he can truly love. Somebody he could approach and say

Neil: Be mine Avni. He whispered with a smile, but within a second his eyes shot open as he sat straight, his fingers tightened around the steering wheel.

Did he literally just say that he thought to himself despite knowing he clearly said that.

His reactions to Advay's entry and his need for Avni's attention were all like scenes from a movie that began to play in front of his eyes. The need to be the reason of her smile. For her to spend more time with him than with anybody else. He wants to be the cause for her happiness rather than allowing Advay to take that rights from him . This explains why he was growing envious

It was the sound of a few cars honking that startled him out of his thoughts. Noticing the signal turn green, he began to drive away, remembering what he had just spoken moment before.

Neil:So this is it? the feeling that I have been missing and the confession is_this is the feeling I want with the girl I can call her mine. My lovestory.
Love? Where did this come from? I can't fall for Avni. My breathing centupled at the thought, then at the same time I liked it. My mind woozy, I felt a zoo inside my stomach, chest berserk. Do I really like Avni? Did I catch feelings for Avni?

Or it is not the entire truth. My truth. It says, you don't choose who you fall for. You just can't. Your Heart will tell you the moment you will meet them. That's it. That's how this love thing works.
It took one date just one date to realise what exactly my heart wants otherwise it could have been some immensely strenuous task for me to figure out the cause why I keep running out of my peace whenever I see Avni with Advay. There is something about Avni that is attracting me towards her no matter how much I try to be logical with my brain not to look at her with any other emotions other than friendship, still I am drawing towards her. I desperately think about her all the time in fact.

Hence this was the reason my good mood turns into foul all the time? Because I get jealous watching her with a guy? Uncharacteristically I realised I am suffering from mood swings lately and it is all because of this one person? Avni?
I think I like Avni more than I thought I am in love with Tina.
This is it, I just found out the missing pieces of my dishevelled emotions I was suffering from since I saw her with Advay.

Things are getting very intense I can't deny it anymore not when I know where my peace lies now. As if I am knowing myself all over again. I chatted with Tina, we had chemistry, I thought we had but when I met her in person as days passed by there is no connection I felt between us, not in a romantic way. As if she is totally a different person. I don't feel attracted towards her anymore. On the contrary my heart beats faster from a mere glimpse of  Avni, whereas with Tina my body, my heart does not work the way they ought to be.
Oh god why didn't I realise it before? I fell for Avni. It is as clear as day that I definitely want her. Want her to be mine? There is a pang I felt in my chest. A very good kind of ache.

His forehead creased at such a sudden discovery about himself yet his chest is elated.

The boyish grin didn't slip off his lips while driving all the way to his home.
Neil:  Before I come to any kind of conclusion I need to talk to Tina first. It's important to let her know that I was so wrong I thought I like her. Thinking of Tina I felt bad, actually worse, yet I have to do this. Do this for all of us. I just can't see my life with Tina. What I feel for Avni is not an infatuation It's something very strong, very intense I can feel it inside of me all the time. I think of her smile, her eyes, her lips, her face. Everything about her is fascinating. My body gets super active when I see her around. the tension turns so thick in air between us that I can't help my mind from zoning out. For example that little moment happened between us that day in the kitchen I just did not want to let her go. I didn't mention it anymore while having dinner with her because until now I had no idea of my act that day, the cause wasn't clear to me. Till now I just wanted to say sorry, apologize to her, though I had no proper explanations for my act so I dodged off the topic and also thanks to her she didn't pulled it up. But now as I know it all. I started to miss her more, in fact I always miss her I just realised it. Sometimes being in the same room I want her to look at me only me, talk to me only me. I want her whole mind for me, her eyes; her heart for me. I am getting trouble concentrating in my works recently which is so out of my character. I worship work, nothing came into my work and me, ever. Yes I was that serious with my job, until she came and interrupted my life, turned it upside down. My calm demeanor is no more calm I am getting pissed off very easily lately.

These feelings are very new to me, never have I ever felt this way for anyone before, let alone the way my heart is overly active all the time nowadays. There is an edgy feeling inside of me all the time. My mind is like in some torment all day. It's as terrible as I am loosing something very dear to me.

Hey guys here is the next chapter. Something you all had been waiting for.

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A lot or effort had been put into this chap so please don't let our hard work go to waste..

Lots of love

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