Chapter Thirty Seven

Depuis le début

I let out a sigh before shoving my hair out of my face. "Fine" I breathe and she practically busts my eardrums as she squeals excitedly, bouncing up and before throwing her arms around me and squeezing the oxygen from my lungs.

I spend the entire day with Sarah, lounging around the pool. She wanted to get a 'tan in' before Midsummers and I could use one too except I don't usually tan, I just burn and if I wear enough sunscreen to prevent that then I won't tan anyways.

She managed to get me to eat some lunch which was mostly me picking the meat and cheese off my sandwich. I still don't have much of an appetite. My stomach burns as bad as my nerves and my relentless headache only adds to the nausea. She left about an hour ago to go with Kie to get their hair highlighted and begged me to go with but I told her I wanted to stay here and take a nap in which I did.

I was exhausted from just lying around in the sun all day. And fell asleep the second I hit her pillow. I really hope the fucking withdrawals fade soon, I'm getting sick and tired of slumping around like a fucking zombie.

It was around five when she left. I awoke from my shitty nap by my phone buzzing. Her text letting me know she was going to John Bs and that I was welcome to sleep in her room tonight if I wanted. I ignored the rest of the text that said or Rafes... With both a vomit emoji and a winking one, contradicting each other but okay.

I slump off of her window seat after scrolling relentlessly through hairstyles she sent me. All of them almost the same and I have no desire to do any at all. Can't I just wear it down? I have a feeling she'll make me up like a doll and refuse to let me go without doing it herself.

It's dark outside now, the time on my phone reading seven thirty five.
I saw Rafe's truck pull into the driveway about a half hour ago and I've been doing everything in my power to control myself and not bust through his door and throw myself at him. I've never had such little self control before in my life and it doesn't help that he flat out said he'd be punishing me for sending him that picture. The thought only makes me want to tear my clothes off and send him ten more so he'll come drag me out of Sarah's room and fuck me for it.

My squish my thighs together as my pussy begins to throb and I whimper at the hot sensation between my legs. Oh fuck it!

I shove my phone in my pocket before pulling her door open. Checking for Ward or Rose and Wheezie before running across the hallway and tugging on his handle, clicking as it turns an inch and stops. It's locked..
I twist it back and forth a few more times, making as loud and obnoxious of a ruckus as I can before it finally rips open and I almost giggle. I love to piss him off. "What the fuck" He growls but I only smirk and push past him.

"I didn't use the window this time" I grin as I plop down on his bed. Earning an eat shit and die look before he locks the door again. "Because you were already in the fucking house" he tells me and I cock my head to the side. How does he know I've been here all day? "And just how do you-"
"I told you before Lily, I'm not taking my eyes off you" His eyes flicker to mine, a smirk on his lips before he resumes typing on his phone. Anger bubbling under my skin.. He has Sarah reporting back to him.. fucking jerk.

Not Sarah, my Sarah can do no wrong but this asshole? I think he needs to be slapped. I don't care if he's looking out for me. I may be a psychotic drug abusing mess right now but I do not need a baby sitter. Just for that he will not be touching me tonight. Despite the agonizing throb between my legs..

"Thanks for telling me where you were going this morning by the way..loved waking up and you were just gone" I mutter, growing increasingly agitated at his lack of attention for me. Instead he has his nose buried in his phone as he types god knows what. Leaning back against his dresser, dressed in dark jeans and black tee shirt. Jesus Christ why is everything he does so fucking sexy?

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