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Victoria von albarn was sitting on the balcony of her apartment drawing away. Victoria was lost in her drawing nothing could pull her away, she was at peace in her own world acting as if nothing mattered.

For Victoria this was normal. She would often drift off into her own world. When Victoria was drawing that was one of her only ways of escape from the real world and she loved it. If Victoria could stay in her apartment for eternity and just play her guitar, listen to music, and draw she would.

Ever since she was a little girl she had a passion for music. At a young age her grandpa showed her the Beatles and she fell in love with George Harrison. She had posters of him all over her walls every single one of his vinyls she owned. He was her everything she loved everything about him and wanted to be just like him that's what got her into guitar.

When she was 11 she was very active doing  sports like ballet and figure skating and taking piano lessons along with guitar lessons. When she was 12 tragedy struck her grandpa had got hit by a drunk driver and passed on impact, her family couldn't take it. When her grandpa passed apart of  her and her family had gone with him. her grandpa was like sunshine and people need sunshine to live at least that's what her grandma said before she died because of a broken heart not to long after.

Victorias parents made it very apparent that they weren't allowed to drink, smoke or do any type of drugs and her sibling never objected and agreed except for Victoria.

12 and 13 were Victoria's worst years. When at school she would get bullied relentlessly they would call her a whale, fattie Pattie, and more horrible names. It got so bad that kids couldn't  walk past her without making pig sounds even though Victoria was only 90 pounds. Victoria couldn't take it she stopped eating and since she was already so skinny it didn't take long for you to be able to see her bones.

Victoria had seen a kid smoking one day and asked for one yes she knew her parents didn't approve but she didn't car anymore she needed something to keep her sane. She got addicted quickly giving that was the only thing she was consuming.

The day when her patents realised their little girl was gone was when the walked into thier house to see damon crying while holding a shaking victoria she was having a seizure.

When victoria got realised from the hospital her parents immediately took her to rehab.

On victorias 14th she was clean. she didnt look sickly pale and so boney she could snap by the touch anymore she looked healthy yk normal.

After rehab victoria wanted to better herself she did extra courses in school to fhinish early. One saying that really helped victoria get through her days in rehab was "after the storm, the sun will shine again" and victoria well she was finnally shinning agin.

Damon had decided to start a band called seymore with a kid named graham and asked victoria to acompany them as thier bassist and obviously Victoria agreed feeling as if she owed Damon for putting him through her "break down years."

Victoria loved the idea of being in a band and being the bassist. She felt as if her dream of being just like George Harrison was coming true.

When victoria turned 16 Damon and graham introduced her to Alex who was going to join the band. They hated each other victoria felt he was trying to replace her especially with him just joining  and already changing their band name to blur. When Victoria and Alex finally played together it was like magic they were perfect together they complimented each other perfectly and from then on v and Alex were inseparable.

When they met Dave they knew he was their drummer. After months of non stop practicing and playing at gigs it finally had payed off in 1990 they had signed to food records and soon after released their first single "shes so high" which reached 48 in uk top single charts

In 94 they released parklife which was a huge success and all their hard work payed off they made it they were now in the big leagues.

Authors note (pls read)
Hiiiii I hope you liked this part I'll try to post frequently I'll try doing a chapter every other day but it's towards the end of school and we are state testing so it's going to be hard but in the summer I can post a lot more frequently and I'm not British nor was a live in the 90s so some things might not add up but just go with the flow and interact because I find it funny to look at what you guys have to say but I hope you like the book love yalll

              - author

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