Recap: elena: what did you do?
Klaus: i fixed him
Klaus: now I think a little test is in order don't you? Kill those two ripper

Stefan walks towards the teens and all that can be heard are the screams

Klaus: isn't it amazing seeing a true vampire in its true element?

All of a sudden the door opens

Rebekah: where is it!!!

Klaus: what now?

Rebekah: she has my necklace look( shows Klaus the phone)

Klaus: well well more lies

Elena: I don't have it

Rebekah: lies ( she attempts to attack her but gets pulled back)

Klaus: enough!!!

Rebekah: make her tell me where it is nick!!

Elena: I am telling the truth Katherine stole it

Klaus: ah Katerina,  well that's a shame if we had the necklace it would be a lot easier but since we don't let's put a clock on it, you have 30 minutes if Bonnie hasn't found the necklace yet I want you to feed and this time I want you to feed on Elena.

Elena: what's wrong with you

Klaus: if she tries to run fracture her spine

                    29 minutes

Stefan: elena run

Elena: Stefan no it's ok you can get through you can beat the compulsion

Stefan: elena I can't you need to run

Elena: Stefan no

       ( timer goes off)

Stefan is trying so hard to fight it but he realizes it's no use
Elena run!!!

Elena runs to the Cafeteria just as klaus does only to find Stefan trying to stake himself

Klaus: well this is a surprise, never seen anything like this before. So it's true then the only thing stronger than blood is your love for this one girl, the excitement is killing you. But unfortunately i cant have that( he starts to compel him)  Turn it off
Stefan: no

Klaus: come on why not

Elena: Stefan


Stefan: no!

Klaus: TURN IT OFF!!

Elena: what did you do

Klaus: I fixed him but I think a test is in order, perhaps you would like a drink from the doppelgangers neck, you know you want to

Elena: what,  Stefan

He starts to get veins under his eyes and fangs

Elena: aaaaahhhhh!!!

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