"What are you doing here?" he chuckled softly, opening his arms walking towards her, engulfing her in a hug, taking in the warmth of her body, and the scent of the same old vanilla shampoo that she used since they were kids.

"ha, I can ask you the same thing." she spoke wrapping her arms around his torso, hearing his heart beat, and feeling the comfort of his arms holding her. She wanted to be angry, to be absolutely pissed but she couldn't be, not right now, in that moment she let go of the anger she had for him leaving and the sadness of all the times she missed him because here he was, hugging her, and she couldn't be angry anymore.

"Let me get a good look at you." his laughter slightly trembling, he held her at arms length, she was grown, they weren't 18 anymore, her hair had grown out, she'd gotten a few inches taller, and she was a doctor. She was no longer the scared little girl he once had to protect, she was everything she wished to be.

Layla chuckled, tears at the corner of her eyes "I guess we both grew up, huh?" she grinned. He got taller, and now had a slight beard, she placed her hands upon his face "you grew a beard!" Alex chuckled "Yeah, I guess I did"

"ugh, god I hate crying." the brunette sniffled, wiping the tears from her cheeks, taking a step back, drawing in a deep breath "I've..I've gotta get these labs before Sloan kills me but we've got to catch up, grab a beer, talk about your life now, the..new and improved, Alex Karev." she spoke walking away with the charts at her side, shaking her head as she rounded the corner.

"Alex freaking Karev!"


Layla let out a sigh of relief when she got handed the results "thank you!" she laughed hugging the pathologist before running off to find Sloan.

"You're welcome!" the man yelled after her.

While running down multiple stairs and hallways looking for the Attending, she ran into a woman.

"I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologized, picking up the papers that fell from her grasp. "Oh! That's alright." the woman spoke handing her the last loose piece of paper. Layla took in the woman who stood in-front of her, she was breath taking, she had blonde hair, beautiful eyes, and a smile that a person could remember for a lifetime.

"Wow." was all the astounded intern could manage to say earning a laugh from the woman "are you okay?" she asked catching the dazed state of the girl.

Arizona thought she was gorgeous. Long dark hair, a gentle voice, doe eyes, and even beneath the scrubs she could tell that her body was just a beautiful as her face was.

The question snapped her from her stunned silence "What? Yeah, no, I'm okay." Layla panicked answering the blonde, quickly scattering off to find Sloan, leaving the woman with a confused expression.

"Here." Layla said placing the lab results in front of Sloan "Thank you" he nodded towards her with a smile.

Layla returned the smile, leaving to find Lexie she had to tell her about the woman she had just come across.

Lexie was the only person who she actually enjoyed being around and talking to—she was sweet, smart, and easy to get along with.

Layla spotted Lexie down a hall, she quickly ran up to her "Lexie, you'll never believe my day!" She shouted, grabbing Lexie by the shoulder shaking her gently.

"You'll never believe my night." Lexie retorted making Laylas eyes go wide "Okay! Me first."

"One, my childhood friend literally popped up here out of nowhere and I literally haven't seen him in almost a decade and two, I think I just fell in love with a random beautiful blonde girl I bumped into while running to get lab results for Sloan." Layla groaned.

Lexie laughed placing a hand on her shoulder "did you get her name?" Laylas groan deepend "ughh, noo, I totally ran away." she complained with disappointment filling her voice causing Lexie to laugh harder "You just ran away?"

"Shut up! Don't laugh at me!" the Tate girl whined, slamming her back against a wall, Lexie joining soon after.

"Well...At least you didn't sleep with Mark Sloan"

"Yeah, you'r- YOU SLEPT WITH SLOAN? Layla shouted once she realized what the girl had said

"Shut up!" Lexie shushed her, covering her mouth with her hand "sorry..sorry" Layla whispered

"You slept with Sloan?" the intern asked once again, quieter this time around.

The Grey girl nodded with a chuckle "Yes, I did." Layla threw her hands up in surrender "I may have gotten reunited with my best friend and fell in love but you definitely win the title for crazy day." The two girls laughed in unison

"what a day."

author speaks!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I love Alex and Laylas reunion and thought Arizona and Laylas first interaction was pretty cute! Tell me what you guys think and remember don't be a silent reader.

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