What is my purpose.. If not for you?

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Ugh. Another day, another tedious class of Ms. Johnson. When will this class end? It feels like it's been forever. The sound of her voice makes me fall asleep. I glance at the clock on the wall, its hands ticking away the minutes agonizingly slow. Letting out a sigh, I tune out the monotonous drone of the teacher, and let my mind wander.
Before I know it, the final bell of the day rings, jolting me awake from my daze. My eyes light up and the corner of my lips raise. I quickly pack my belongings up and join the stream of students flooding out of the classroom. The school day is finally over! I can't wait to leave this dull place behind.
I hurry excitedly towards my bus seat as I ascend the school bus's stairs. I settle into my seat, stacking my legs on top of one another, and lean against the cool walls of the bus. Fifteen minutes pass by in a blur. Man, my eyelids feel heavier than ever. I've got to stay awake so I don't miss... my... stop...

Not long after, my phone buzzes loudly, jolting me from my drowsiness. Thank goodness for the interruption; it might have saved me from missing my stop. I glance at the screen to see my mom calling. Urgh. Why is she calling now? Holding the phone, my trembling finger presses the green button, and I raise it to my ear.

"Hello?" I mumble, my voice heavy with exhaustion.
"Where are you? You were supposed to get home an hour ago!"
"What?" I look outside, then check my watch.

Oh no. I did miss my stop. What the hell do I do now? Do I just walk home? I press the hang-up button in a panic, feeling overwhelmed.

Sighing deeply, I stare out the window and wait for the bus to reach its next stop. Today is definitely not a good day. Anxiously, I begin to shake my legs up and down, a nervous habit creeping in. This really isn't a good day, is it?

As the bus rumbles along its route, my mind races with thoughts of how to handle this situation. Walking home isn't ideal, especially considering how far away I live. I glance at the passing scenery, recognizing familiar landmarks that indicate we're nearing the next stop.

With a mix of frustration and resignation, I decide to confront the situation head-on. I pull out my phone again, tapping out a quick text to my mom:

"Sorry, I missed the bus stop earlier, I fell asleep. I'll just walk home."

Sending the message, I prepare myself mentally for the impending trek. The bus slows to a stop, and I gather my things, preparing to disembark. Stepping off the bus, I take a deep breath and survey the unfamiliar surroundings. It's going to be a long walk home, but at least I have my phone for company.
Starting off down the sidewalk, I set a brisk pace, determined to make it home before dark. As I walk, the sun dips lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the pavement. Despite the fatigue weighing heavily on me, I push forward, fueled by the thought of finally reaching the comfort of home.
With each step, the scenery changes, familiar landmarks gradually coming into view. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I turn onto my street. My house looms in the distance, a welcome sight after the journey.

As I approach, I can see the lights on inside, a warm beacon in the gathering darkness. With a sigh of relief, I quicken my pace, eager to finally be home. Opening the front door, I step inside, greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of home.

Collapsing onto the couch face down, I let out a long sigh, feeling the tension of the day melting away. Despite the unexpected detour, I'm grateful to finally be home, safe and sound. And as I settle in for the evening, I make a mental note to pay closer attention on the bus from now on.

Suddenly, a screech pierces through the silence, emanating from my mom's room.

Seriously? Just when I was about to relax? My heart pounds with worry as I swiftly make my way to investigate. Standing in front of her door, a strange odor assaults my senses. I glance down and see blood staining the floor. What in the world?

Eternal Loop: A Mother's SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now