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Um I won't tell my age on this book and never so yeah;)

So anyway...I used to live in Las Vegas and then I lived in Texas and then now in las Vegas my life for a couple of years has been scary and all start because of a car accidents my mom hit that thing on a road and we weren't harm fortunately but the car got broken and then my mom work at Amazon and she need that car so we got evicted and move to my god-mother house I won't tell her real name so let call her Kylie and she was nice in the beginning but...I did some things that I admit contribute to that but it wasn't my fault of how she treated me, I was 10 at the time and we move in at first it was good but then it got worse so basically my little cousin let call her M she was 5 but she was a big fat bully she hit me, say rude things to me, did mean stuff on purpose, like not Sharing or would purposely annoyed me she would look at me at the dinner table and when I told her stop she would make this dumb ass excuse and be like "I wAsn't loOking!"

But she was and then if I look at her for half a second she would be like "STOP LOOKK AT MEEE!!?"

Like what!?

And then they always make this excuse oh well M is just 5 like what that doesn't excuse her behavior and I thanked myself in the past for telling on her about hit me and tackle me to like the ground despite her being 5 and naturally slim she is freaking heavy and weight like a bag of potatoes, My aunt at first didn't believe me because she was like "oh M would never do something like that!"

But I told my mom also and my mom is the best mom ever and believe me and got my aunt to believe me and was still flabbergasted about it anyway ill talk about the rest later I have a sinus earache so yeah-

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 28 ⏰

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just venting yall!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum