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A month had pasted since the attack at the club house, BK getting shot, and Abby moving into Ghost and Adria's house. As the days passed Adria's baby bump grew, she was now 7 months pregnant and she looked and felt 7 months pregnant. Everyone was in happy spirits due to the fact that today was the day BK was getting released from the hospital. He was finally cleared to returned since he had healed well enough.

Adira was at the hospital every chance she got to visit and check on his well being. Maddy was there everyday as well, seeing as she worked at the hospital. On the days she wasn't there, Maddy would text Adira updates.

Throughout the month Maddy and Abby would profusely thank Adira and Ghost for letting them stay at their house. Each time Adira and Ghost got a thank you from the girls, they would be patient and gentle with the girls. It took some time for them to stop thanking Adira and Ghost. It took time and lots and lots of discussions explaining that the girls didn't need to thank them. They just wanted to help because they were in a bad situation with a lot of pain and they both meant something to the club. Ghost had to explain to the girls that the club takes care of their own. When one hurts, they all hurt.

Abby came into their house shy and petrified of her own shadow. Throughout the month of her being at the Petrov household, she got close to Ghost. He sort of became a father figure to the young 17 year old girl. Each time she was near him Abby would grab his hand, give a short firm squeeze, and he would whisper to her in Spanish, "You're safe now little doe." She would take a deep breath and let his hand go but wouldn't leave his side, unless she absolutely had too. And then if she had to leave his side, she would stick to her sister or Adira's side like glue.

All the guys at the club house understood where the young woman was coming from so they gave her, her space. Letting her get comfortable around them and letting her come to them on her own time. Once she was comfortable enough around the men she would be a social butterfly.

The first two weeks, Abby didn't believe him. She was jumpy and would bolt to her room if any loud noises got too close. She wouldn't come out for anyone but her sister and Ghost. After those two weeks, she came out her shell. Not by much, but she was getting better.

The last time she had a panic attack, it took Ghost over an hour to get her out form under her bed. It broke Adira's heart and enraged her all in the same moment. All she could do to help was sit outside Abby's bedroom door, on the ground and holding back tears as she listened to the young woman she saw as a niece, cry from her horrible flashbacks. All Adira wanted to do was take the memories away and replace them with happier ones.

Ghost had taken it upon himself to teach the young woman self-defense in their backyard. With Ghost being a good and patient teacher, Abby was catching on quickly. She didn't like the violence but understood the need to protect herself. Everyone heard Ghost's nickname for the young woman and questioned it, but Ghost would just grunt at them abruptly ending the questions. Eventually everyone started calling her fawn. Her being the youngest to hang out at the clubhouse, the nicknames fit. 

It was midday when half the club pulled into the hospital parking lot with Adira's vehicle pulling in right behind them, Ghost shut off his motorcycle before climbing off. He walked over to Adira's car, leaning against it as he spoke to her, "Stay here with Mouse and Switch, we won't be long. Just grabbing BK and coming out. 20 minutes tops."

Adira nodded leaning out the window slightly to see him better, "You got it. Help me out before you go inside. I want to stretch my legs."

Ghost opened her door, pausing for a moment, "You sure? You stand too long and your back starts hurting."

Adira smiled at the concern, "I'm sure my protective bear of a man. If my back starts hurting I'll get one of the prospects to help me back in my car."

Ghost nodded, turning his head towards the prospects, "Whatever she needs."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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