Jurassic Streamer - Chapter 1: The Heart

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(Be advised: Strong language, mentions of family death, blood and Violence)

A story inspired by the Netflix series "Camp Cretaceous", and "Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic World" movies.

For best experience, listen in to the Jurassic Park soundtrack.

"God Creates Dinosaurs. God Destroys Dinosaurs. God Creates Man. Man Destroys God. Man Creates Dinosaurs."

- Ian Malcolm


A flat world where the only element that existed were filled bags mimicking the ground.

There he laid at the very top, bleeding out.

Plastic never felt so puncturing until now.

His condition dreadful.

Wounded beyond repair.

Body bloodied.

Killing himself wouldn't seem as bad as it sounds.

A stampede of vultures circle around him from above, their sounds foreign.

Day, night, what was the difference?

The pressure in his ears was agonizing, muffled, a voice called him.

An unidentifiable figure loomed over his body, casting a shadow.

It crouched next to him, he felt his whole body sinking, the bags consuming his limbs. The specter leaned closer, putting his hand on the boy's chest and pushing him deeper, much deeper into the abyss.

Until it was all black.


The crash of water on the underside of the yacht and a jolt of confusion spur the boy awake.

What was that?

He searched for air, his lungs anxiously filling quickly, if his nerves were an orchestra, the drumming his heart created would shock the  greatest of conductors.

He looked around, assessing his environment: at sea on a boat, wood floor, sat on a beach chair, nearby land on the horizon, luggage at his side...

Ah, he remembers now.

Thomas was here, he was finally at the Stronghold, the safest dinosaur research facility in the world.

Isla Nublar: The Stronghold - Present Day

He arrived on the docking area, relieving multiple employees of his luggage. Left there standing very awkwardly with shoulders stiff and  arms dangling. How does someone stand casually?

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