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Andrew POV

I went to O'Callahan's to meet Danny and Mark, a bar that my friends and I would normally go to.

Danny sighed, "so you're really leaving law to watch children?"

I sighed, I have explained this to my friends and family a million times and yet they still don't understand.

"Yes. I want to help this family out and I can afford to take a sort year if you will."

I took a sip of my beer while Mark snorted.

"A gap year? This isn't backpacking across Europe. You're going to get attached to this child and this family. Speaking of you haven't told us anything about them? You met them yesterday right?" Mark asked.

"Yes, I met the mom and the child. She's cute." I tried not to blush thinking about the gorgeous woman I had met today. Scratch that, the gorgeous married woman.

Danny raised an eyebrow, "which one?"

"Stop it. The kid, she's two and adorable. She seems sweet."

"Ok? And the mom? Is she hot?" Danny pressed trying not to laugh.

"Uh, well I mean some might say she is quite pleasing to the eye."

Mark laughs and shares a look with Danny.

"Oh my god, you really do have the hots for the mom."

"No! I mean, she hot? Yes, very. But it's unprofessional and she's married!"

Danny chimes in, shaking his head at Mark who can't stop laughing.

"Ok and what's he like?"

"Well, actually I didn't meet him yet."



"Just odd. I mean he didn't want to meet the man who's going to be taking care of his child?"

Mark finally calmed down, "did the wife say anything about him?"

"No, come to think of it she never mentioned him until I asked if I was going to meet him and she looked a little annoyed."

Was she annoyed...or did I read her wrong?

"Hmm...interesting." Mark said before Danny changed the subject thankfully ending the topic of how attractive the mom of the child I was going to be a nanny for was.

Tomorrow was going to be one hell of a day.


I knocked at the Pasquale residence waiting for someone to answer.

A gruff looking man who could only be described as grumpy opened the door.

"You must be the nanny my wife chose?"

Ah, that'll be the husband. Hmm, interesting age difference.

"Yes sir, I'm Andrew Burnap."

"Alright, come in."

I follow the husband who has yet to introduce himself inside the spacious and spotless home.

"Oh, hi Andrew. How are you?" Pippa asks from the kitchen, she had just sat Lily in her chair.

"Good, thank you. How are you?" I ask while walking over to see if she needs any help.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" Pippa asks kindly.

"No, I'm ok thanks. May I?" I smiled at Lily, asking Pippa if I could take over feeding Lily.

She looked very hesitant, "oh, uh-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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