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Coach Meeting

Geno: ok so we need to come up with our starters and who gets those spots? How as practices been who do you think worked for their spots? We need winners because I would not go another season without a championship, we had our season of excuses and a comeback but this needs to be our revenge season. The whole world is watching us and expecting something great.

Chris: Well I think it's obvious who shouldn't start, Jenna and Blake. They haven't been putting in the work at practice, don't come for optional training, and they don't have that team mentality yet. I mean they bombed their interview basically saying that the girls on the team don't have passion or drive.

Morgan: I agree, they don't have any drive and quite frankly they need another media training class. It's already gotten bad press.

Ben: I think for starters it definitely needs to be Paige, Ice, Azzi, Nika, and Rylee. I mean Paige and Azzi are a dream team and Nika and Rylee are a dream team. I mean you could shuffle these 5 and force them to do 3 v 2 and no matter what combo is the two they would all work well together.  

Jamelle: I agree but is putting a freshman in the best idea, we hardly ever do

Tonya: I think Rylee needs to be in, she earned her spot. She practice lives here. Always here for training when it's mandatory and optional. Always kind to every member of the staff even the custodians, and she had asked me how to improve on her own time. Not many players do that. She's putting in the work and shes a killer at the game. Not having her start is like going into a NBA final and leaving LeBron James at home. 

Geno: I agree the Five is an unstoppable force and each one earned their stop time and time again. 

Final Practice before the first game

Geno: All righty guys we are going to do suicides and they play some 3. v 2 games to work on not only defense but how to get though hard screens.  

After Suicides Geno put Rylee and Paige together as a 2 pair and Nika, Ice, and Jenna on the three. 

Geno: Ok you have a minute to come up with a plan and then once I blow the whistle go. Play till 10

Paige: looks like you stuck with me Ry

Rylee: Ugh if I must

Paige: Oh please you love this 

Rylee: In your dream Bueckers

Paige: I love it when you call me by my last name (Rylee immediately blushes and turs away from Paige)

Rylee: enough flirting Buechkers lets play like the USA

Paige: I like how your thinking Clark (she winks at her)

The game

Safe to say Nika and Ice played great defense but Jenna didn't do much as by the time Rylee got the ball she was either halfway down the court or passed to Paige. Leaving Jenna behind in the dirt. The thing about Rylee is she's a great shooter, some even argue better than Caitlin. And her vertical was crazy. Even though Rylee was only 5'11" she was able to dunk sometimes, in the right conditions. During the practice, Paige and Rylee seemed to be able to pass without communicating, like it was this unsaid understanding.  This only reassured the coaches of their decisions. 

With practice being done and all the girls in the box ready for a coach-to-team meeting of course Paige and Rylee were sitting next to each other. 

Rylee: No way you think I'm short

Paige: You like what 5'10" I was in high school when I was still growing. 

Rylee: For your information, I'm 5'11" and a half and that's not short.

Paige: What did Caitlin and Blake take all the tall genes?

Rylee: No, it just skipped me ok. And besides I can practically dunk so be careful who you're talking to Bueckers.

Nika: Can you stop flirting, its honestly kinda annoying like just confess your in love already

Before Rylee or Paige could argue the coaches walked in. 

Geno: Ok guys I just wanted to say how proud I am of you and how you all have done an amazing job during pre-season. With that being said we do have our Starters, these have been picked by the coaching team and we feel that it's our best option to win a game so with that being said our lineup will be: Paige, Nika, Ice, Azzi and Rylee. Congratulations and I want all 5 of you in my office tomorrow at 8:30.

Rylee's pov:

I can't believe I'm starting. I for sure thought I was going to sit bench maybe lucky enough to sub. I also can't help but worry that this is too much pressure. Will I live up to what everyone expects from me? As soon as I get out of this meeting I need to call Caitlin she's going to freak out when I tell her


Caitlin: Hey bubs, hows my number 1 recruit doing? Is UConn treating you nice

Rylee: Hey lin yeah its great. I love my team and the girls are super nice. Guess what?

Caitlin: What? Chicken butt?

Rylee: Lin you're so immature, but not only are you talking to the number 1 recruit but also UConn's new starter!

Caitlin: What that's crazy Ry Congrats! I'm soooo proud of you. Geno must really see something in you, he rarely every starts first years.

Rylee: I know, I was so shocked when I heard my name. I just am worried I won't meet everyone's expectations of me. I feel this instance amount of pressure for the media always looking at me and analyzing every post, or thing I do on and off the court. How do you deal with it

Caitlin: Awww Rylee, don't worry you're going to do great things. Don't worry about the media the quicker you realize they will say something no matter what you do the better off you are. It was super hard for me too to get use to it but you have to realize that its just a game at the end of the day and all that matters is you. Remember what dad always said; You have to fight for your right to fight. So go out there and show them why Geno put you in your spot. 

Rylee: Thanks Caitlin I always can count on you for helping me

Caitlin: Of course, and great job on your press conference and interviews. The two other girls totally bombed their interview. Glad to know I inspire you.

Rylee: oh please don't let that get to your head, I'll still beat you at anything we do. And I know they had to take an extra class on Media training. Geno wasn't to happy. I don't think they like me much Cait, like I try to talk to them, invite them to parties, and what not but they never take my invites. I always see them together tho and when we are grouped by our class I feel like an outcast.

Caitlin: Oh bug, not not fair. Ugh I wish I could come to UConn to give them a piece of my mind. But don't worry about them, there is a reason you the number 1 recruit in your class. And if your friends are the older girls just stay with them they will take care of you.

Rylee: Thanks for your advice, listen I have to go I promised Paige I would play xbox with her. 

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