Chapter Galaxy: BBB Movie 2 Part 2

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"OWW!" Papa Zola immediately screamed in pain when his nose was stabbed by Pipi Zola, "Hey, the nostrils of Justice are in pain!"

The audience winced in pain as it looked so painful to watch, "Urgh...! I don't need to see that!!" Heizhou muttered.

The kids were chuckling at that and clearly wanted to use that as well in case some people happened to fall asleep.

The spaceship's glasses suddenly broke, with the acidic and corrosive green liquid beginning to spill in and damage some parts of the spaceship.

"Aaahhh! The window broke!" Gopal screamed in panic.

Papa Zola immediately pulled Pipi into his arms, "Watch your step, Pipi! This mud is acidic!"

"We need to get out of here!" Gopal told them.

"Wait! We have to retrieve the information that the Commander sent us! OchoBot?" Boboiboy and Ochobot do their best to get information, but it wasn't easy to retrieve it.

"[The data in the computer is corrupt!]"

"Eh? How did that happen?" Mona was confused by this.

Solar switches in, giving her the information. "Probably from the destruction from Retak'ka's attack along with the crash that just happened." His explanation did hold a lot of water, which they stuck to as that would be the plausible explanation.

The glasses start breaking more and more mud spills inside and their ship is beginning to sink. "Ahhh! The spaceship is sinking! Run!" Gopal runs closer to the elevator to stay away from the mud.

"Just get what you can!" Boboiboy told him as Ochobot kept finding more information quickly.

"[Commander instructed us to find someone named... Hang Kasa!]" Ochobot managed to find data, but the picture of the person wasn't shown as it had gotten corrupted.

"Hang Kasa?" He was confused as he never heard of him before.

"Aduh... What is BoBoiBoy still doing?" Papa Zola said and then he realized something, "Oh no!"

"What is it, Papa?" Pipi Zola turned to her father who suddenly shouted.

"Justice forgot to pack our dinner! Wait here!" Papa Zola immediately put Pipi Zola down and ran up to the shelf.

Half of the audience facepalmed after realizing that, "Seriously? He already thought about that now?!"

"Hey, food is important! You may never know when you need one!" Xiangling pointed out and Hu Tao nodded as she didn't want to die of starvation.

"I guess packing your food is very important as well," Jean admits that they might need some supplies after entering an unknown territory.

"What in the world...?" Gopal was confused by his decision.

"Faster Ochobot!" Boboiboy told him.

Ochobot managed to find even more information, "[I've got the location! North of here! On the mountainside!]" The information showed the mark on the planet as it shows the picture of the landscape.

"Eh! Uh... We have to go now!" BoBoiBoy looked around, which was starting to be filled with green mud.

"[Hang on! I'm trying to get all of the mission data!]"

"There's no time!" BoBoiBoy immediately grabs Ochobot and runs to where the others are.

While Papa Zola looked around the shelf, trying to find some food. "Dey, come on Captain Papa!" Gopal told him

RE: Elemental Hero's Journey In TeyvatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz