getting invited

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pud: *playing ukulele*
ham: *singing to the strumming of it*
🎵one is the loneliest number that you ever kneeew🎵
pud: 🎵 two can be worst than one🎵
Ed: when are they coming back
eddy: idk,fleabag?
edd: but,eddy,Ed doesn't have fleas
eddy: I was talking to ham
pud: hey she's MY fleabag! isn't that right ham?
ham: Right!
pud: see?
the bbu crew: *coming out of portal* WOOOOOOAAAAAAH!
jimmy: EEK, SARAH!
Sarah: JIMMY! *takes jimmy away from portal*
Billie: we're back
others: YAY!
aristotle: we were on quite the adventure!
ham: yah! *jumps in Billie's arms and starts licking her face*
Billie: haha that tickles!
pud: hey,Sarah are cats allowed to go to prom..?
Sarah: no... wait a minute do you LIKE a kid?!
pud: uhh no...?
Sarah: oh ok!
ham: hey ari (short for Aristotle) is that glowy book magic?
Billie: oh our friends back at jasper park are writing to us!
barnaby: oh were on a road trip to...
Elaine & fanto: THE NIAGARA FALLS!
Jonny: hey can we come too?
Billie: sure!
Claudette: hopefully they're coming!
Kate: maybe they won't maybe they will!
runt: hopefully they will!
Humphrey: same with runt here
rolf: rolf hopes there are NO wolves on the trip
Billie: time to go now! did you pack guys?
all: YEAH!
*goes thru portal*

alpha and omega: family and friends roadtrip Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz