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I head into class 5D after being greeted by Woodsy and Miss Obah, my English teacher, still entirely confused to why I'm here as I sit in between Dusty and Ant. Spider sits on the other side of Ant and Olivia, a girl in our year who is in Dusty's band also joins us. As more students file in, I realise that it is everybody on the incest map. I put my head down on the table, groaning, wanting to just forget about the stupid map already. 

I lift my head up as Amerie walks in and Spider starts calling out "map bitch", trying to get her attention, but she ignores him. Finally Cash walks in and Spider and Ant both immediately go "oi eshay bah", whilst I roll my eyes at their antics and wave at him, receiving a smile back after he flips off Spider and Ant.

"So cemetery tomorrow?" Dusty asks, my mood immediately brightening at the thought of a party.

"Hell yeah" I throw my  arms in the air, needing any excuse to escape from my house where my mum is sure to having a lot to say about the map. I high five Ant, smiling at each other excitingly. 

"Oi, uh what's the cemetery?" Darren cuts across us. I go to explain but Spider beats me to it. 

"None ya bizz, bong water" Spider retorts, causing me to pinch his arm for being rude. In return he pulls my hair and I try to hit him whilst he dodges out the way, laughing.

"Alright, settle down, leave the fighting for when your at home Spencer and Beatrice" Woodsy interrupts as I lean back into my chair, flipping off Spider whilst he sticks his tongue out at me. Miss Obah introduces herself before finally explaining why we are here.

"Well, your names are on the map in the stairwell. The one that's out of bounds." I knew it.

"Um, what map?" the new guy asks. I'm honestly confused why he's in here, like the poor guy only started here this morning so there's no way he was on the map.

"Okay, very funny" Miss Obah interrupts. She obviously hasn't realised he's new and genuinely doesn't know what the map is. "This is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex and intimacy-". 

"Great, sex education, just what we need" I whisper to the guys, who all look equally as bored as I feel.  "A sexual literacy tutorial" Woodsy cuts off Miss Obah, which makes Darren immediately perk up. "SLT, so we're sluts?" they add, making me laugh.

I immediately look at Dusty and start chanting "sluts", turning around and laughing when I realise that Ant and Spider joined in with our chanting and are pretending to hump each other like the immature idiots that they are. 

"That's enough, come on everybody" Miss Obah tries to calm the class down whilst I pull Ant back onto his chair, still laughing at the idiots that are my best friends. "This class I going to go back to the basics on sex and relationships-". Miss Obah and Woodsy continue to explain why we are here, quickly boring me. I look over to Ant, who is surprisingly paying attention and smile at how cute he looks when he's focused. I reach for his cap and pull it off his head, putting it onto my own as I slump forward onto the table, resting my head on my arms. This causes him to divert his attention to me. He smiles softly, making my heart flutter. 

"It'll happen twice a week, in your own time and you have to attend every class or it will go on your permanent records" Jojo finishes. "No way" I call out whilst the rest of the class also beginning to protest about how unfair this whole situation is. "Wait, we have permanent records?" Ant asks. I look at him, expecting him to be joking but he looks genuinely confused, which causes me, Dusty and Spider to burst into laughter simultaneously. "What? I didn't know that" he tries to defend himself, which only makes me laugh harder.

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